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Thread: Gained some weight, what should I do now?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Gained some weight, what should I do now?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hey Jordan,

    I posted a thread a year ago about asking about a nutrition plan, I'm 5'8, male, was 149pounds then with 23% bf, with my lifts:

    Squat 145p
    Deads 176p
    Bench 100p
    Press 70p

    1 chin max

    I only got serious about my lifts Jan this year and went on SS while gaining some weight. I'm 21 now, weight is 174p my lifts are as follows:

    Squat 240p 3x3
    Deadlift 265px3 (soft resetting, just did 250 for 5)
    Bench 140px5 (soft reset to 135, cause couldn't hit 5 all reps twice in a row)
    Press 90p 3x5

    According to this inbody biospace machine thingy that claims to be 98% accurate in my gym, it says I'm at 27% bf now, I was at 23% when I was 149. But it also says I only gained 1~2kgs of muscle wtf.

    My diet is as follows, I take 3-4 meals a day with 20-30gs of protein + carbs, 2 whey shakes with 50gs of protein each+psyllium husk for fiber. I also eat 2 bowls of cereal+low fat milk for carbs, that adds up to 100ishgs of carbs im guessing?

    My diet for a while was pretty bad the past few weeks in the sense that I'd wake up maybe at 2pm everyday, and only start eating at 5 and try and cram in all my calories before sleep/around workout, kind of like an unintended warrior diet/intermittent fast thingy e.g. i can be taking 100gs of protein within an hour.

    Should I try to gain more weight? If the answer is lose weight how will that affect my training? I was thinking of doing a meet in august for fun as well, initially was eyeing the 164 pound cat, but that weight seems like a pipe dream now rofl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I think you need to drop kick the IF, take a real accounting of your intake and then make it hit something like 200/200/60 for a few weeks with 35g of fiber per day. I think your BF is a bit high, but I think continuing to run LP + a better diet + 1 day of HIIT conditioning (Saturday preferably) will make a big difference.

    I think you should weigh 185-190 a year from now with <20% BF.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    I think you need to drop kick the IF, take a real accounting of your intake and then make it hit something like 200/200/60 for a few weeks with 35g of fiber per day. I think your BF is a bit high, but I think continuing to run LP + a better diet + 1 day of HIIT conditioning (Saturday preferably) will make a big difference.

    I think you should weigh 185-190 a year from now with <20% BF.
    Thanks a lot! 200/200/60 that would be about 2000 cals a day?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by lisward View Post
    Thanks a lot! 200/200/60 that would be about 2000 cals a day?
    Don't worry about cals. They are not very useful from a practical standpoint. Just hit the macros, adjust as needed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Okay I'm starting to track my macros. I think I'm taking in less food definitely, will this affect my LP? How are my lifts right now at my current weight + BF.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by lisward View Post
    Okay I'm starting to track my macros. I think I'm taking in less food definitely, will this affect my LP? How are my lifts right now at my current weight + BF.
    Depends what your weight is doing and what you were really eating before but I think your LP will be fine. Your weights are what they are, and they need to go up.

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