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Thread: Merry Christmas to everyone on the Forum

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    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Merry Christmas to everyone on the Forum

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    at the end of my 16 week linear cycle this is the result:
    43 y.o. - 5 feet 6.
    I had to stop my squat as I told you, my last day I did 298 x5x5 (I’m going to fix the problem because I can do better than that);
    Deadlift 386 x5
    Press 143 x5
    Bench 232 x5.
    270 is my1RM on the Bench. DL is 440 and Press is 165.

    Chins and Pullups are the same as I started but my bodyweight has gone up from 72 to almost 79, so I think I’m stronger at those.
    My weighted chins are done with 68Lb. 3x5.

    Just for all the guys too concerned with their arms size: I started out at september and I really took my time to “enter” the program, I had to pay attention to my form especially in the Press and I had to fight with a groin strain but, without any kind of direct arm work apart from chins and pullups, my arms went from 14.6 to a solid 15.7.

    At this point, for these next 2 weeks I need some stop. Just to go to the gym and do some bodybuilding stuff. Yeah I want to feel the pump!!!!! Just for the fun of it.

    My intention is to start with the new year with the Texas how is outlined in PPST but I don’t know whether I can include the Squat yet and I don’t want to stop (for too long) The question is: is it more reasonable to wait (and losing all the benefits of my previous cycle) or eventually to build a program even without the squat which is Texas-oriented (I mean with a volume day – recovery day – Intensity day) I mean with DL only as the core exercise for the back And the legs (since it works the entire body, after all)?

    I thank you very much for your help and I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas/ New Year.

    Last edited by Mark Rippetoe; 12-28-2009 at 10:58 PM.

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