starting strength gym
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Thread: Hello, fellow Geezers/Geezettes!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Hello, fellow Geezers/Geezettes!

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello, fellow Geezers! I'm new to SS, and have been lurking for a couple months, but have just started posting (and, more importantly, lifting!). I'm a Geezoid (51), and haven't done any lifting since high school, and even that was pretty limited. Started high school at 5' 9", ~120#, and finished at 5' 10", ~140#. Put on maybe 10 more pounds in college, but spent most of the last 10-15 years in the 195 range. Lost about 10 pounds over this past winter/spring, to get below 185# for the first time in a very long time. This was mainly accomplished by cutting out chips/cheetos/etc while sitting in front of the TV. I could polish off a bag in 1-2 sittings, and it's amazing I never gained more weight than I did.

    I heard about SS from Coach Rip's articles on PJMedia, and have read those with great interest since last year, but have just recently been able to get with the program. Got the book in late March, and put together a home gym at the beginning of June, and have done a few workouts, so far. Putting up a beginner's log, also, you can see it here: SeanThornton gets back in fighting shape!

    I figured the only way I'd stick with it would be to make a home gym. I have easy, convenient access to two gyms, but neither has squat racks (either the simple kind, or power racks), and I don't have a flexible enough schedule to look for an inconvenient place to work out. So I've picked up a power rack, simple bench, starter weight set (Oly bar, 255# of weights), weight tree with bar holders, some bands (for assisted chins once those enter the program in a few weeks), rubber mats for around the rack, and an aluminum 15# bar, with the hope that my wife and daughter will join me, and can start out easy. I also picked up a couple 10# and 15# bumpers (same size as a 45# plate) to help with DL warmup sets. I still don't have a belt or lifting shoes. But I do have a set of Dan Miller's microplates on the way. And the nicest part of a home gym... I can throw darts or play pop-a-shot for my rest time between sets

    I know I should get some coaching at some point. I'll have to set up a youtube channel so that I can post some form checks. I also know there's a good SS coach about an hour from me, so at some point, I'll get in touch with him, and get a coaching session or two under my belt. So, I guess I better get a belt

    Fun facts, in no particular order:
    - Looking forward to learning if/how this will affect my migraine headaches (had them since I was a child).
    - Two weeks ago, spent about an hour and half getting my wedding ring off. Figured I shouldn't be lifting with it on, and it hadn't been off more than once in the last 15 years. Cost more to resize it than it cost to buy the thing, many years ago!
    - Took it on faith that squats wouldn't mess up the knees, as I had an ACL repair ~20 years ago. So far, so good!
    - Ran a lot in my youth, and just started pursuing it a bit more since last year. Will probably keep running as part of my conditioning, on non-lifting days. Did a half marathon WAY back in the day, and had always figured a marathon should be on my bucket list. Even though I'm in better running shape now than I have been in about 15 years, I have no desire to train for long races. I'd rather just keep improving my 5K time.
    - One thing I'd like to learn a lot more about is nutrition and supplements. My whole life, I've basically eaten whenever I'm hungry (which is most of the time!), and eaten whatever's in front of me. Not too keen on counting calories, even though it's to make sure I'm eating enough (that should be fun, right? But it still sounds like work)
    - One useful thing I picked up from SSBBT (without even lifting) was from the squat chapter. Reading and really understanding why the lifts are taught the way they are, and understanding the underlying physiology (biology was weak area for me in school), I had an interesting discovery. I was practising the form for squats, and noticed that after several minutes, my legs did not hurt. Now, I was born extremely pigeon-toed, and with no arches at all. All my life, I could run, walk, jump, whatever, but standing in one spot, forget it. Well, what do you know, if I turn my toes out ~30 degrees (not natural for me, at all), I can stand still for extended periods of time, and have no pain or discomfort in my legs. So there's a win for me from SS, and I didn't even have to lift a single weight!

    I think that's it for now. But I am looking forward to posting more, and learning more about training, and helping others where I can. I've already had some nice discussions with a few of the forum members, and look forward to many more.

    Bob (SeanThornton is a posting psuedonym, and a hat tip to my favorite actor)
    Last edited by SeanThornton; 06-19-2015 at 03:04 PM. Reason: Added URL to my log

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Welcome! Glad the whole SS model is working for you and makes sense. Since you're in Chicagoland you have good SSC's not too far away if at some point you decide you need some coaching.

    I've had 3 wedding bands. I lost the first one in the ocean when my hands shrunk up from the cold water, I broke the 2nd one while deadlifting, and had to have the 3rd one cut off when I broke that finger from rollerblading fall. So I've given up. Dearly Beloved understands, thankfully. She's been right on the scene when each one happened and knows how bad the last 2 hurt getting it removed from my finger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Bob, Have you started a log online on this website?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    Bob, Have you started a log online on this website?
    Carson you old fart, re-read the second paragraph....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Quote Originally Posted by skid View Post
    Carson you old fart, re-read the second paragraph....
    I admit it. I am an old fart.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    I admit it. I am an old fart.
    I think you're the oldest fart on the board.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Palos Hills, IL


    Welcome Bob! Enjoy the journey.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Quote Originally Posted by skid View Post
    I think you're the oldest fart on the board.
    That's what she said. Still, Quick is a few months older and once in a while some guy in his early 70s pokes his head in.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Southern Wis


    Quote Originally Posted by SeanThornton View Post
    Bob (SeanThornton is a posting psuedonym, and a hat tip to my favorite actor)
    So, it's himself you're named after?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Locust Valley, NY

    Default Think Again

    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    That's what she said. Still, Quick is a few months older and once in a while some guy in his early 70s pokes his head in.
    An interesting thought, but on 6 August I will turn 80(although I will appear no more than 78). Forecasting one's entry into the 9th decade may be presumptuous,but with luck I should make it. My competitive nature and the contraction of pneumonia and flu simultaneously set me back a bit, but I seem to be making progress. My goal on or shortly after the big day is to DL 4x, squat 3x and bench 2x my age in pounds. We will see.
    I find that while my"strength" seems OK, my ability to recover from the slightest injury seems compromised. Also, my coach, Nick D'Agostino, is experimenting with volume, mainly reducing it, while keeping the weights up. An experiment of one.
    I DL on Mondays, do a light KB workout on Wednesdays and squat and bench on Fridays. I throw in a few chins on Tuesday or Thursday.

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