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Thread: SharkFighter's SS log (now, with discipline!)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default SharkFighter's SS log (now, with discipline!)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello everyone,

    Some background: I'm a 37-year-old, 5'11, 215-pound guy.

    About two years ago I started lifting regularly, though it wasn't a structured program -- I just wanted to get out of the office at lunch. I eventually found Starting Strength. I've decided to commit to SS, especially after recently getting a copy of PPST and starting to understand the science of the linear progression/novice adaptation. I'm following the rules this time, and starting lowish on my lifts (with one mistake, which I am correcting). I should hit my previous 5RM in the 4-6th week, depending on the exercise.

    My previous time in SS, I got to the following 5RMs, after about 6-7 weeks of training:

    Squat: 315x5x3
    Bench: 220x5x3
    Deadlift: 345x5x1
    Press: 140x5x3
    PCleans: 165x3x5

    Started Monday, but my deadlift weight was based on what I thought my 5RM was, and damn, was I wrong.

    Monday -- Workout A
    Squats 205x5x3 Good weight, easy lift
    Bench 175x5x3 Good weight, easy lift
    Deadlift 315x5x1 (Way too high, this was probably close to my 5RM.)

    Wednesday -- Workout B (definitely starting low weights here, been reading PPST and this site, realize that starting too low is better than too high).

    Squats 215x5x3 (+10) easy
    Press 100x5x3 Good weight, easy lift
    PCleans 115x3x5 Slightly light, but running out of time and so I did what a coworker was doing.

    Planning on the following linear progressions:

    Squats +10
    Deadlift +15 -- next workout I will start at 235
    All others +5 per workout

    Anyway, that's my first two workouts. Please feel free to post any comments/suggestions. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by SharkFighter; 08-20-2010 at 04:54 PM. Reason: reduced wordiness

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Day 3

    Workout felt good today, though the weights still feel pretty light.

    Work sets:

    Squats: 225x5x3 (+10) easy
    Bench: 180x5x3 (+5) easy
    Deadlift 225x5x1 very easy, but I wanted to start low after my mistake on day 1

    Since it was Friday, I did the optional assistance exercises:
    Chinups: BW x 5, 3 (sadly difficult)
    Dips: BW x 15, 10 (ditto)
    Curls as described in SS: 75x8x3 (challenging)
    Incline sit-ups with medicine ball, pausing 5 seconds: 2x8 (painful)

    Weights (except maybe bench) still seem pretty light, but taking it slow and steady this time around.

    Diet: Drinking a gallon of milk a day, though I have switched to non-fat milk. When I am a non-fat SharkFighter, I will consider going back to whole or 2%. I feel like I am eating a ton, mostly clean, but I'm only hitting 3500-4000 kCals a day. Protein in excess of 250g each day, though. Weighed in at 220 today, so the extra calories are doing something, at least. Man, I hope it's something good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Workout 4

    Squat 235x5x3 easy
    Press 105x5x3 easy
    PCleans 125x3x5 easy

    Two sets each: Abs and Hyperextensions

    Weights are still pretty light, but I'm working on my form.

    For squats, I'm focused on keeping my feet shoulder width at the heel, and pointing my toes out at 30 degrees, which is more than feels natural, but it's getting better.

    For press, avoiding excessive layback and moving forward under the bar.

    For power cleans, not hitting myself in the chin again because 1) it hurt and 2) the noise it made was embarrassing.

    Still drinking a gallon a day, still weighing in at 220.0.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Workout 5

    Weight in morning: 218.2 (-1.8) light cardio and sauna yesterday

    Squats 245x5x3 (+10) easy
    Bench 185x5x3 (+5) easy
    Deadlift 245x5x1 (+20) easy

    Abs and Hypers, 2 sets each

    Feeling good, looking forward to heavier weight in the weeks to come.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Workout 6

    (yesterday) Weight in morning: 222 (+3.8)

    Squat: 255x5x3 (+10) medium
    Press: 110x5x3 (+5) easy
    PCleans: 135x3x5 (+10) easy

    Assistance Exercises:

    Chinups: BW x 5, 4
    Dips: BW x 12, 10
    Curls: 80x8x3
    Abs: 17x8x2

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default workout 7

    forgot to weigh in today

    Squat: 265x5x3 (+10) fairly hard today, I think I overdid the drinking this weekend
    Bench: 190x5x3 (+5) beginning to become difficult
    Deadlift: 265x5x1 (+20) still fairly easy

    Abs: 20 lb medicine ball x8x2
    Hypers: 45x12x2

    Starting to get to more challenging weights, which is motivating. Need to be stricter about my protein/alcohol intake

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default workout 8

    Weight in morning: 221.8

    Squats: 275x5x3 (+10) decently hard
    Press: 115x5x3 (+5) easy
    PCleans: 145x3x5 (+10) easy

    Abs: 20 lb ball x8x2

    I had someone record a video of my last set of squats, I'm going to post it on the form check forum.

    EDIT: guy recorded the video sideways, so I guess I'll make another recording on Friday.
    Last edited by SharkFighter; 08-18-2010 at 03:53 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default workout 9

    weight in morning: 224.4 (+2.6)

    Squats: 285x5x3 (+10) decently hard
    Bench: 195x5x3 (+5) medium
    Deadlift: 285x5x1 (+20) medium+

    Chinups: BW x5, x3 sigh
    Dips: BW x13, x8
    Curls: 82x8x3

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default form check

    posted videos for feedback on my form here:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default workout 10

    starting strength coach development program
    weight in morning: 224.2

    Squats: 295x5x3 (+10) very hard today
    Press: 120x5x3 (+5) easy
    PCleans: 155x3x5 (+10) medium

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