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Thread: Power Clean form check (lateral split?)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Power Clean form check (lateral split?)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello Coaches,
    I have some problems with my PC. The best I did was 97.5kg for 3X3, but it was with huge lateral split. So I went 10kg down to try and get rid of it - which made things a bit better, but it still doesen't look good enough.
    Here are two sets of 3 reps with 87.5kg:

    1. Is it still considered as too wide a lateral split? And if so, how to correct it?
    2. When does the PC actually turn into a squat clean? (I guess that a squat clean should have a squat, which means below parallel; but a bit above parallel clean doesen't seems like a power clean. I may be wrong)
    3. In general, what do you think about my form - and how to improve the overall technique?

    Thank you very much (-:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You do not have a lateral split. In fact, you land the cleans in the videos just fine. However, you bend your arms a little early. I would fix that as it will better enable you to transfer power to the bar. Also, pick a point about 15 or 20 feet ahead and look at it. You are looking down a bit too much at the start. Also, try a grip about a handwidth wider on each side. You might like it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    You do not have a lateral split. In fact, you land the cleans in the videos just fine. However, you bend your arms a little early. I would fix that as it will better enable you to transfer power to the bar. Also, pick a point about 15 or 20 feet ahead and look at it. You are looking down a bit too much at the start. Also, try a grip about a handwidth wider on each side. You might like it.
    Thanks Tom.
    About the grip width - I never found a good explenation of the advantages / disadvantages. The best thing I heared was that wider means "longer" first pull and "shorter" second pull. So why won't we clean in a very wide, say, snatch grip?

    I started with a bit wider grip - like you suggest. And I did liked it. But when things got heavy and I started to miss reps - I just tried the narrowest possible grip, and the bar racked.

    I tried to search, but never found information about that \:

    Thanks again =]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Grip width is largely up to personal preference. A wider grip on the clean allows for the forearms to get out of the way of the upper arm a little bit when the lifter receives the bar and for some people it can enable a faster rack. A wider grip also allows a little more room for the knees to go out and can buy the lifter a slightly more vertical back angle. Try em both and see what works for you.

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