starting strength gym
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Thread: Josiah's log - The De-pussification of Humanity

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Josiah's log - The De-pussification of Humanity

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I totally agree with the whole "specialization is for insects" Heinlein quote. Modern "civilized" man has become weak and lost--accepting and falling slave to the reality of "get money, buy stuff." Fuuuck that. I think every person should have a large list of skills and experiences that they will develop throughout their life (not a list of junk to buy). Seems to me that fitness, and thus STRENGTH, would be a great place to start.

    Where I'm at:
    I've been training about 2 years, but the last 6-8 months have been a bit unfocused and not very productive. I've done a lot of traveling, vacations, changed my duty station, blah blah blah excuses excuses. Bottom line: it's time to focus. I probably fall somewhere in the advanced novice/early intermediate range of training.

    21 years old, 5'9" 210 lbs
    SQ: 440
    Bench: 275
    Press: 190
    DL: 525
    PC: 270

    Where I'm going:
    Powerlifting, weightlifting, highland games, strongman, I want to try it all eventually. For now I want to get pack mule strong so I'm going to compete in raw powerlifting. I'm not a genetic freak and don't see myself being a pro athlete or anything, but I do enjoy teaching others, so I think having a wide array of training experience will make me a better coach in the long run.

    I wanted to start this log for some extra accountability and to bounce ideas off of people here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    For 15 Aug 2011

    I just attended the SS Seminar and it was the best class I've ever taken. Even if you don't want to be a coach, if you have any interest in fitness beyond just messing around, go to the seminar.

    With that said, Saturday and Sunday were ~12 hour days, I had to drive 7 hours home, and go to work in the morning. I got about 3 hours of sleep that night.

    So I decided to just do some light squats and practice form on press, which I found out at the seminar I have been doing wrong for the past 2 years. Gotta get the hips into it more. Gonna take some practice.

    Press: 3x5 95, 1x5 135
    Squat: 2x5 275

    At the seminar I also found out that my squats are about 4 inches too low. This would cause me to lose some hip drive and probably explains the slight hip tendinitis I seem to constantly have. I'm trying to get the depth worked out on my squats now. Camera will be useful.

    Another notable for this gym sesh was I fixed this airforce guys PC form. I taught him the lifts about a month ago and he hated power cleans because he never fully got the form down. So he wasn't even doing them for the first 3 weeks (which I was on leave for so I couldn't yell at him and fix him). Well yesterday we worked his form completely and got them looking pretty. He came in to work today and was like "man..." I was like "your traps are sore?" he's like "Yeah thats what I was about to say!" hahaha. Now he likes power cleans. Awesome.
    Last edited by PackMule; 08-16-2011 at 09:28 AM. Reason: jesus

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    For 17 August 2011

    I gotta remember to post these up sooner...

    Had a mock PT test in the morning. I think the run killed my legs a bit for PCs.

    Bench: 247.5 2x5, 1x7
    BB Curls: 90x15, 90x12
    PC: 225x1, 230x1, 235x1, failed 240 twice.
    DL: 365 1x5

    Trying to focus on getting a reeeaal tight upper back when I first get set on my PCs and deadlifts, since I've been letting it round for a while. Definitely can feel it today.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Press 140 3x5
    Squat 360 3x5
    Chins 46.25x8, 46.25x6

    Working on my press form. Trying to get the hips involved more, feels better this way. Gonna keep making 5 lb jumps and take it slow n steady here and hopefully pass my old press pr of 170x5, which was purely upper body, none of the hips forward stuff.

    Squats, still trying to find the right spot of not going too low. Once I fully relearn that stretch reflex I'll be golden.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009



    Bench: 250 2x5, 1x6
    DB Curls: 50x11, 45x10
    Squats: 365 3x5
    Neck: 38.75 4x25

    All good. Kept my squats nice and tight, pretty sure depth was good. Need to get a camera for those. First set was a bitch but what's new? Felt my left hip tendinitis on that set, but set 2 and 3 felt just about perfect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    With those numbers you think you're only advanced novice / early intermediate?! Your strong as hell dude! I aspire to get that strong before I hit intermediate stage, on linear progression. I'm guessing you actually did the main lifts before starting the program, or you did it before and are getting focused again?

    Most people I see here going into intermediate have much lower numbers, maybe you are a genetic freak?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Nah I would still say adv novice/early intermediate still...numbers don't really show where you are in your training adaptation.

    I did SS until my squat was about 290, then I had to stop due to NAVY PT I switched over to CFFB amateur, to keep conditioning in with strength stuff. That program I would consider novice/advanced novice. I did that up to squatting 400 for 3x5 and my bodyweight got up to 218...but in making the switch to pure intermediate programming I've had constant issues, either injury, distractions...dumb shit...for the past 6-8 months.

    I'm doing the GSLP right now which I'd say is an advanced novice/early intermediate program. Once I can't progress on this anymore I would accept calling myself an intermediate. Hopefully then switching to TM and doing it right this time.

    By no means am I a genetic freak. I promise you that. Just do the program, or any program, stick with it, don't mess around with it too much, eat well, sleep well, and you'll get stronger.

    Thanks for the compliments though man. Just keep at it you'll be here in no time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    24 Aug 2011

    Press: 145 3x5
    Chins: 47.5x7, 46.25x6
    PC: 225x1, 230x1, 235x1, 240x1 (ugly)
    DL: 375 1x5
    Neck: 40 4x25

    Press still feeling good, gonna take 5 lb jumps up to maybe 155, then back to 2.5lb jumps.

    Chins were rough, hopefully will get that weight for 8 reps next time.

    Felt off on PC. Had a hard time focusing on it today. Failed first attempt of 235, but went back and got it the 2nd time. The 240 was just ugly, feet sprawled, caught it low, so I called it there.

    Deadlift felt easy. Trying to focus on keeping the upper back LOCKED TIGHT. It feels good this way. Gonna keep going up 10 for bit.

    Unfortunately some time in October I have a Navy PT test. So on Damon Wells' suggestion I'm gonna just drop everything and train for the run. I want to have the option to become a PT leader so I gotta score well, otherwise I'd just sandbag it.

    Oh and next paycheck IM GETTING A PROWLER! Will be a nice investment for the future gym, and for myself.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    26 Aug 2011

    Bench: 252.5 2x5, 1x7
    BB Curls: 92.5x13, 92.5x11
    Squats: 370 3x5
    Neck: 41.25 4x25

    Felt very good today. Bench was strong. Had a good spotter with a good handoff for once, I think that helped a bit. Plus I'm getting used to the slightly different form shown in the SS seminar--bottom position higher on the chest than I was used to.

    I started recording my squats since I have nobody to watch me. Turns out I'm still about 2-3 inches too deep most of the time. And sometimes I divebomb the shit out of it. Messes up my back angle, knees come forward, back loosens a little. So frustrating hah. JUST GO HIGHER! I don't feel the yanking on my ASIS as much but it still flames up a little bit after a set of going too deep like that. Blah.

    Not looking forward to dropping lifting for this damn PT test...might have to start that next week...need to find out the actual date of the test. God damn.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    For 29 August 2011

    Press: 150 3x5
    Pullups 2x Max reps: 13,8
    Squats: 375 3x5
    Neck: 42.5

    Gonna start taking 2.5lb jumps on the press.

    Went to a different gym, it is pretty nice. Less mirrors on the walls than the base gym I went to, a couple sweet platforms with bumper plates, more squat racks. Only issue is the bars in the squat racks suck and the plates are shitty, collars needed.

    They didn't have a weight belt for chinups, and didn't have an acceptable spot to do chinups, all they had was the ones attached to the squat racks or machines that were split bars, too wide for chinups. So I did max rep pullups on those for 2 sets.

    Squats felt good, hip tendinitis feels like its going away. Controlling the lumbar more and not dive bombing it seems to be helping. Weight is getting real heavy here, might be due to switch it up and finally get on TM. But then again I kind of want to do a "Greyskull Reset" but at the same time I'm sick of being on these novice/early intermediate programs and want to do some INTENSITY DAYS. But with the shitty PRT coming up soon I might just go with the greyskull reset at least one time and see how that goes, since I'm gonna have to drop lifting soon frustrating.

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