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Thread: Squat form check and hip pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Squat form check and hip pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've started experiencing Hip Pain right after I had squatted 195lbs. I do recall that my knees started to cave in towards the last reps on the rise out of the squat. I Squatted the next training session for 200lbs while focusing on keeping and maintaining my knees out and powering out the bottom with hip drive. Now I don't know how long I should wait till I can go back to squatting with some real weights. On my last workout this Monday I did 45x2x25 45x1x20 for Squats.

    The pain is in the upper anterior area of my right thigh. Having looked at some anatomical pictures of the musculature I think that the pain may be originating from the Pectineus or the Sartorious. Could this pain be joint tendonitis?

    I've tried icing it down several times but it doesn't seem to help as much as stretching out the muscles in that area. I'm also taking 2-3 Iboprofen (400mg) tablets/day in hopes of it accelerating the healing process.

    I've detailed my training schedule in my log:

    Could you please critique my squat form and offer me some advice as to how I can properly heal the affected thigh muscle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    There isn't much we can tell from watching you squat an empty bar. It doesn't give us a very accurate idea of what you look like when squatting real weight.

    What I can tell, though:
    1) Bar position is wrong. You are not supposed to support the weight on your wrists.
    2) Don't do that with your head. Look down.
    3) Toes are probably turned out a bit too far.

    Please read the stickies on how to film form checks here:

    And you do have the book and have read it, correct?

    Uless the pain is very bad, it's probably something you should train through, and you probably should be taking ibuprofen 4x a day, if your stomach can handle it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by spar View Post
    There isn't much we can tell from watching you squat an empty bar. It doesn't give us a very accurate idea of what you look like when squatting real weight.

    What I can tell, though:
    1) Bar position is wrong. You are not supposed to support the weight on your wrists.
    2) Don't do that with your head. Look down.
    3) Toes are probably turned out a bit too far.
    Roger that, I'll get a proper weight on it and post a video with a loaded bar. Thanks for the pointers.

    And you do have the book and have read it, correct?
    Sure have. It was very thought provoking.

    Uless the pain is very bad, it's probably something you should train through, and you probably should be taking ibuprofen 4x a day, if your stomach can handle it.

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