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Thread: Novice program including olympic lifts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Novice program including olympic lifts

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hey mate

    I wrote a thread a while ago about adding olympic lifts to a novice progression program. I have a weightlifting coach but as from what i said in the last thread he doesnt add any strength work into his programs and i dont know how one would without adding too much. While reading Justin added a progrm that he had been using on a guy over there for 4 days a week. It looked like this...

    Monday — Clean and jerk (heavy), Snatch (light)
    Tuesday — Squat, Press, Chin-ups
    Wednesday — OFF
    Thursday — Snatch (heavy), Clean and Jerk (light)
    Friday — Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift

    I would love to do this type of program but can only train 3 days a week. Could this be brought into a 3 day program by doing this?

    Monday — Squat, Press, Chin-ups
    Wednesday — Clean, Snatch
    Friday — Squat, Bench, Deadlift

    If this could work, What would the rep range be for the clean and the snatch and would they both be done heavy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I dont know much about this, but heres a few other programmes I found.

    Dan John's Programme is 3 days per week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    If you are serious about weightlifting you need to do it more. There is no reason you can't snatch and clean and jerk 3x/week and still press, squat, and deadlift every week. Think about "daily training max" for the snatch and c+j. Basically some days will be light but if you are feeling strong go heavy. 3 days a week isn't too many to work up to a "training max" with the o-lifts.

    something like

    m: snatch, c+j, front squat, weighted dips + chins

    w: snatch, c+j, deadlift, press

    f: snatch, c+j, front squat (or back squat), bench

    Now, this is clearly not a novice progression but I have only been training for about 16 months and at a bodyweight of 175 my dead is 458 and my front squat is 305. Plus this routine is FUN. Really, let's face it, if you want to o-lift it's probably because you find it fun, right? Personally, I am willing to sacrifice some absolute strength in the slow lifts (my press is a paltry 130) for the (to me) more interesting and fun snatch and c+j.
    Last edited by Rootskier; 01-18-2010 at 10:55 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    If you are doing olympic lifts for fun, you may aswell consider the press an olympic lift.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Sorry, the press hasn't been an olympic lift since before I was born. And it's way less fun than the jerk...especially since I can jerk very nearly twice as much.

    That said...I do press and was thinking that bodyweight would be a good goal for 2010.

    EDIT: And I just reread my posts, thought about them, and realized I have no business giving programming advice...but I still think if you want to o-lift you should do it more than once a week if possible.
    Last edited by Rootskier; 01-18-2010 at 11:03 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    FWIW, which may or may not be much, look at this issue of Get Up!: Basically, the program advocated for beginners is snatch, c+j, and squat three times per week in that order, possibly adding in accessories at the end, like weighted abdominal work. Basically go heavy in all three, adding weight each session if you can until that doesn't work anymore, then you have to start think about varying things, manipulating intensity and volume, etc. I haven't done this, but it seems like a decent plan. Glenn Pendlay also wrote somewhere about what he does with his beginners and it looked a lot like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Blah3 View Post
    Hey mate

    I wrote a thread a while ago about adding olympic lifts to a novice progression program. I have a weightlifting coach but as from what i said in the last thread he doesnt add any strength work into his programs and i dont know how one would without adding too much. While reading Justin added a progrm that he had been using on a guy over there for 4 days a week. It looked like this...

    Monday — Clean and jerk (heavy), Snatch (light)
    Tuesday — Squat, Press, Chin-ups
    Wednesday — OFF
    Thursday — Snatch (heavy), Clean and Jerk (light)
    Friday — Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift

    I would love to do this type of program but can only train 3 days a week. Could this be brought into a 3 day program by doing this?

    Monday — Squat, Press, Chin-ups
    Wednesday — Clean, Snatch
    Friday — Squat, Bench, Deadlift

    If this could work, What would the rep range be for the clean and the snatch and would they both be done heavy?
    Could you post the rep scheme for someone interested in this type of program?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Maui, HI

    Default 3 Day A Week Program

    starting strength coach development program
    A three day a week program should look like this.

    Power Snatch - maximum single
    Power Clean & Jerk - maximum single
    Clean Grip Deadlift - maximum double
    Front Squat - maximum single

    Snatch - maximum single
    Clean and Jerk - maximum single
    Back Squat - maximum double

    Snatch - maximum single + 2 overhead squats
    Snatch Grip Deadlift - maximum 4 reps
    Clean & Jerk - maximum single, 3 front squats, 1 jerk
    Front Squat - maximum double

    Give this a try. You will find it works. All those other programs posted are just noise.

    Jim Moser

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