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Thread: Low Bar Squat Check, beginner

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Low Bar Squat Check, beginner

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I felt like I was making good progress and keeping decent form but things really seemed to fall apart for me on Friday. This was my first time not making my 3x5, looking at the video, I didn't realize how bad it was. Can you guys help break it down for me?

    I'm feeling like I really lost control of things and wondering if I need to back down to get things worked out.

    1st set

    2nd set (incomplete)

    I feel like I'm really having trouble getting my hands and arms into position so that there is no weight on my wrists.

    starting strength start date (3x5): 2/19
    starting weights: squat: 85 lbs, Bench: 125 lbs, Dead lift: 145 lbs, Press: 85 lbs, Powerclean: 95 lbs

    4/9 progress (3x5):
    squat: 235 lbs, Bench 150 lbs, Dead lift: 255 lbs, Press: 105 lbs, Powerclean: 140 lbs

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Can't tell for sure but it looks like you've got your thumb around the bar, rather than over it. You don't need to actually hold the bar up with the hands - just pin it against your back, so no wrap around thumb is necessary. You'll find it easier to get your wrists straight if you stop doing this.

    I don't consider myself competent enough to give you any other feedback. I've just backed down from 92.5kg to 80kg to work on form myself. (If it's any consolation, we started on about the same date and your numbers are above mine!)
    Last edited by Piers Finlayson; 04-14-2014 at 05:04 AM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by captainpp View Post
    Can't tell for sure but it looks like you've got your thumb around the bar, rather than over it. You don't need to actually hold the bar up with the hands - just pin it against your back, so no wrap around thumb is necessary. You'll find it easier to get your wrists straight if you stop doing this.

    I don't consider myself competent enough to give you any other feedback. I've just backed down from 92.5kg to 80kg to work on form myself. (If it's any consolation, we started on about the same date and your numbers are above mine!)
    Thanks for the feedback, on Friday i didn't notice that my thumbs were wrong until the middle of the set. This morning I dropped back to 235 and made my 3x5. I tried to adjust my hands:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by NittyGritty View Post
    Thanks for the feedback, on Friday i didn't notice that my thumbs were wrong until the middle of the set. This morning I dropped back to 235 and made my 3x5. I tried to adjust my hands:
    That grip looks better to me. The other comment I'll make on your squat - I notice this because I suffer from it myself - is that you lift your head at you come back up. You then correct when resetting from the next squat. You'll see in SS it explained that looking up kills hip drive.

    I suspect you only do this when the weight's heavy, and myself I think it's a mistaken subconscious belief that lifting my head will help to lift my body and I'm struggling to get rid of it.

    (Check out for example head position at 0:09, and then at 0.12

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    I noticed a couple of things from the rear quarter video. First was that the bar position appeared to be too low. Have you watched this video? The second was your stance. I think you should try narrowing your stance an inch or two and then pointing your toes further out. Then try using the knees out cue. Right now you take a wide stance with fairly forward pointing toes. Your knees go forwards instead of out which doesn't involve the adductors as much.

    Your newest set does look better, though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by haesesa View Post
    First was that the bar position appeared to be too low.
    Thanks, I had not seen that video and was having a hard time feeling where the bar should be. Looking back, it was too low. I'll make the suggested adjustments tomorrow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Get your wrists over the bar and keep your elbows back and high.

    Also, look down at a dot 4-5 feet in front of you. Every time you look up, you lose hip drive.

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