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Hi everyone,
New to SS and to the forum. I have a small issue with squats. I am used to look at the mirror to see how deep I am - with the low bar squat, I stop right when the upper end of the thigh is in line with the knee, from my point of view (this should be below parallel).
The problem is that this is making me hold the head up high. If I look to the floor (like Rip recommends), I don't have a very good idea when to stop. If I go too deep, my lower back rounds (a while back I actually tweaked my back a bit during a warm-up set where I went too deep). If you get your knees out enough, and control your descent so that you maintain tension in your hamstrings, AND you keep your back correctly locked in extension, then the combined tension from your hamstrings, adductors, and tight lower back will automatically stop you at the correct depth where the stretch reflex (rebound occurs). A few (or occasional) paused squats can help reinforce this correct bottom position.
Do you guys have any cues to help you estimate when you should stop the descent?