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Thread: Lofton's Log - SS in north Puget Sound

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Atascocita, TX

    Default Lofton's Log - SS in north Puget Sound

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Well, I've been at it for exactly four weeks now, finishing my 12th workout of the SS original novice program. I enter training as a 43 y.o. male, 6' tall, weighing 165#, 10% BF (caliper measured). My recent athletic background has been grounded in running, especially ultra distance trail running.

    Beginning stats are as follows:

    Squat: 100#
    Bench: 85#
    Deadlift: 135#
    Press: 75#
    Pwr Clean: 50#

    I have two gyms available to me. One is at my work facility. Small, many machines and aerobic thingies like treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, and some sort of roller blading simulating device (I politely refused when asked to try it out). However, they do have a rack, one oly barbell, lots of free weights and dumbbells. I'm usually by myself back there. The staff, friendly enough, pretty much leaves me to myself.
    The other gym that, unfortunately, I visit less frequently is a local gym with a separate free weight room and a nice power rack. This room is separate from the cardio and machine room and always has the better music being played. The machine room looks like a Terminator wasteland there are so many devices. They are pretty open to folks doing what exercises/lifts they feel they can handle. They don't formally allow chalk, but I take a bag in, use it with reasonable care and haven't had anyone say anything to me.
    Anyhow, I'm here to lift and learn. My sincere appreciation goes out to all who put in the effort to keep this forum going and for the publications it is centered around.
    Last edited by Tim Lofton; 12-19-2009 at 12:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Atascocita, TX



    Friday BW measurement: 171# (up six pounds in four weeks)

    Squat: 3x5 @ 190#

    Press: 3x5 @ 100#

    PC: 5x3 @ 75#

    Actually, I've been experimenting with doing presses first after some reading of Stacey's (nisora33) blog, in an attempt to be a bit more fresh when doing these, as opposed to following the squat. A week ago I repeated at 90# when I felt sloppy finishing off the last set. Ninety-five went well on Monday, but I'll have to admit I was a bit worried about 100#. I know it's not heavy for most, but it's all relative, hopefully. At any rate, I had to give myself several pep talks throughout those sets. I was really happy to reach 100 on the press. Squats were a repeat after failing to extend and lockout on my last rep on Wednesday. Today they went much better. Funny how much difference 48 hours makes. PCs were okay and I'm really enjoying doing these, though it is surprising how fatiguing these are.
    I think it is hard to believe when people read that strength gains and weight gains go hand-in-hand. After stalling last year during a less than full effort at SS, I am gaining that appreciation (even if just in it for a month). I know the progressions won't last indefinitely, but I'm enjoying the work all the same - even if I do get a bit nervous when stepping under the bar to squat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Good to see another guy from WA here. I'm a little bit south of you out towards Mt. Rainier.
    Wow, you are going quite the 180 coming from the ultra distance stuff. Are you using SS to compliment the running, or just trying something new?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Atascocita, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by kittenSmash View Post
    Wow, you are going quite the 180 coming from the ultra distance stuff. Are you using SS to compliment the running, or just trying something new?
    At this point in time, I am going to forego most running as I would really like to maximize my strength training and gains at this point. I don't think an approach that "accessorizes" running with SS is paying much respect to SS or myself, or gives my the optimal opportunities to reach some of my goals. I think I will do some maintenance running through the winter and spring and do a bit more trail running when they are melted off most of the way. Living in this area, it's just too hard to pass up getting out on the trails. Anyhow, good to hear from you. Thanks.


  5. #5
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    Atascocita, TX



    Well, qualitatively, all I can say is I'm surprised at how easy things went today. Again, easy is relative, as what I'm currently lifting would be easy for the majority here. After presses and squats on Friday, I noticed a bit of a "zinger" in my lower back. Nothing debilitating, but enough to make me take notice, especially when my 100+ pound daughter (who's a swimmer and is pretty muscular for her age) comes running and jumps to hold on to me. Thank goodness for these lifts! Anyhow I was kind of worried about today's lifts and how my back would respond. I figured I probably got just a little sloppy with form on Friday, or perhaps arched the back too much on the presses. Today I was focused on locking in good form, every rep and, well, things went really well. That's probably one of the best "A" sessions (sq, bp, dl) I've had. Warm-up on C2 rower for 1000 m, warm-up progressions for each lift, then:

    SQ: 3x5 @ 195#

    BP: 3x5 @ 115

    DL: 1x5 @ 180

    DL felt really good and the pulls all went up very strong. What a difference two days of rest makes. Oh, and we've been making a lot of chocolate chip cookies at home, which go really well with ice cold milk. Weight gain should follow nicely.
    Wednesday will see me move up to 200# for squat, which probably doesn't mean much other than just being a nice round number. Still looking forward to it though.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA


    Good progress. Keep up the good work!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bergie View Post
    Good progress. Keep up the good work!
    Thanks for the good word Bergie. I have a feeling these days don't come around often enough.

  8. #8
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    Atascocita, TX



    As stoked as I was about how Monday's lifts went, today kind of went the other way. Today was session B: squat, press, pwr cln. The past several sessions, I've been doing the press before the squat in order to be more fresh for the press. Well, either that backfired on me today and I wasn't warmed up enough, or I just wasn't as focused as I should have been. Now that I am writing this, I think it was a combination of both. I think lack of focus was partially fatigue related as I could not stop yawning today. I think a nap is in order this afternoon. Luckily, I'm off work until the 4th, so I can sneak in a few naps during the day. The press is still a mother f&#$er! and I'm not even approaching heavy yet.
    At any rate, I did not progress on the press today, and actually failed to get full reps at the weight I did on Monday. Other than that, things went reasonably well. I hit 200# for the squat, despite still being a bit upset about the press. Power cleans were good except that I really need to put some more oomph in my jump now. Here's the damage:

    Press: 105# x 3, 100 x 4, 100 x4 (WTF!)

    Squat: 200x5x3 (yea!)

    Pwr cln: 80x5x3

    Still grumbling about the press, but I will reset to 100# the next time I do session B, just to get that weight up a second time before attempting 105 again.


  9. #9
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    Atascocita, TX



    Weekly weigh-in: 174.5#

    Squat: 205# x 5 x 3

    Bench: 120 x 5 x 3

    Deadlift: 185 x 5

    Nice warm-up, several minutes on the treadmill, dynamic arm & leg stretches, jumping jacks x 50, several air squats. Wife got me some low cut Chuck Taylor's for Christmas for strength training. I know, I know, they're not weightlifting shoes, but I will be getting these in a couple of months. They felt noticeably better than my running shoes that I have been using. At least the Chucks I can wear around when not in use for lifting. I do need to be a bit careful now as I found myself raising my big toes a little too much and getting out on the ball of my foot a little.
    Squats went pretty well, though I think in my eagerness to "hit" the bounce that I came really close to missing below parallel on a couple of the last reps. On Monday, I'm going to have my son take some lifting videoes so I can do some critiquing. Bench and DL moving right on up as scheduled. Must be all of the prime rib, taters, and sweet potato pie yesterday


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Atascocita, TX


    starting strength coach development program

    Squat: 210# x 5 x 3

    Press: 105 x 4, 105 x 3 x 2

    Pwr cln: 85 x 3 x 5

    Press was the issue again today. Decided not to reset at 100# and try sticking with 105 for one more workout. In the first set, the first three reps went up pretty well, then #4 was like someone threw some extra weight on the bar. Same thing with the first two reps of the next two sets. Based on this, I think I will get some washers or find some one or two pound ankle weights to put on the bar and try something between 100 and 105 on Friday.

    Cleans were lacking sufficient power in the jump over the last couple of sets. Tempted to stick with this weight for one more workout to reinforce good form practices without progressing the weight. Slowly, but surely, the cleans are catching up with my press. Which maybe is good since I clean the weight for my presses, at least for now. Pretty fatigued overall from today's workout though. Trying to get in a nap soon after a big lunch.


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