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Thread: OK SS Let's Go!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default OK SS Let's Go!

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hey everybody. I started Rippetoe's Starting Strength about a month ago and now that I've reached a couple sticking points I want to document my progress and get feedback. Please follow my updates!

    Yesterday I failed squatting 220 for the second time in a row. I got 5, 3, 4 reps on my 3 sets. I'm sure my form has devolved as well as I struggle through the reps. I hadn't failed to achieve 3x5 on any weight until 220.

    I got 175 on bench press after narrowly missing it the previous workout. Deadlifts were a success at 245.

    Squats - 220 lbs. - 5,3,4
    Bench Press - 175 lbs. - 5,5,5
    Deadlifts - 245 lbs. - 5

    I'm leery to try squats again tomorrow but I will anyways, and if I flunk them again I'll drop down to 185 lbs. and start climbing 5 lbs. per workout. I'm working out in New Balances which is disgraceful, so I'm on my way to the mall to get some Chucks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    By the way, I'm 6 foot 7, 208 lbs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Just letting you know, its only supposed to be 1 set of 5 on the deadlifts. I know it doesnt matter now, but when you're getting up there in weights it makes a difference.

    Also, looks like you made some great progress. Keep up the good work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Baltimore, MD


    Best wishes for success man. I'll be keeping up w/your log. If you haven't bought them yet, skip the Chucks and go to Walmart and get the Starter shoes made just like Chuck Taylors. I've been rocking them for a year. $14.97 plus tax.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I'm a dummy, I only did 1x5 of deadlifts, as with every deadlift w/o, but for some reason wrote it as 3x5. Progress has been going well and my numbers aren't terrible, but that's partly because I do have several years of weightlifting experience. Never in such an organized manner though.

    K.Diesel: I didn't grab the chucks yet so thanks for the tip!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I have some questions about the program. Thus far I have been doing this split:

    Day A-
    Bench Press

    Day B-
    Military Press
    Pendlay Rows

    Occasionally I finish with a couple sets of abs on the incline ab board, but other than that I haven't been doing any supplemental work. I have seen guys add dips, chin-ups, bicep curls, seemingly everything under the sun. What are the general guidelines for adding supplemental exercises?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    When i did SS the first time, I added dips after my press workouts, and chins after my bench workouts. I would go for 2x8, and if i made both sets, I went up 5 lbs. the next time and tried again. If i failed I just stayed at the same weight til I made it.

    Personally though, my first run through SS was pretty half assed, and the second time through, when I was serious, I never felt like I could have done dips or chins after everything else because I was also so exhausted. Just something to consider.

    But then again you're already squatting more than me so maybe you can handle it

    Edit: I guess all the bicep curls and stuff would go in the same place as the dips and chins, or maybe after the dips and chins if you have some massive work capacity.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by WatsupHannity View Post
    Hey everybody. I started Rippetoe's Starting Strength about a month ago and now that I've reached a couple sticking points I want to document my progress and get feedback. Please follow my updates!

    Yesterday I failed squatting 220 for the second time in a row. I got 5, 3, 4 reps on my 3 sets. I'm sure my form has devolved as well as I struggle through the reps. I hadn't failed to achieve 3x5 on any weight until 220.

    I got 175 on bench press after narrowly missing it the previous workout. Deadlifts were a success at 245.

    Squats - 220 lbs. - 5,3,4
    Bench Press - 175 lbs. - 5,5,5
    Deadlifts - 245 lbs. - 5

    I'm leery to try squats again tomorrow but I will anyways, and if I flunk them again I'll drop down to 185 lbs. and start climbing 5 lbs. per workout. I'm working out in New Balances which is disgraceful, so I'm on my way to the mall to get some Chucks.

    There's a couple of important things you forgot to include when considering a sticking point. How much weight have you been adding to each of your lifts as you progress? What do your squats look like? (video) And what's been happening with your bodyweight for the past month since you started. 208 sounds pretty skinny for a 6'7" guy...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Chris: I really like chin-ups and miss having them in the workout, so I will start adding them on the bench days. I believe I read 3x8 is a good guideline. I will also consider adding bicep curls on the other day. Being so tall my arms are perpetually spindly-looking so maybe that will help.

    Tor: In general I've been adding 5 pounds to each lift each workout, except for deadlifts which I have usually jumped by 10.

    If you think 6'7 at 208 is skinny, I was 190 about 6 months ago! I settled in around 203 before starting this routine, so I'm up about 5 pounds or 1 pound per week. I will post my diet shortly.

    I have a fair amount of muscle compared to before I ever picked up a weight... back then I was incredibly scrawny. I may post some pics as well if I feel like it... not sure if this is that kind of forum

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Hit the gym last night... somewhat sleep-deprived so I made an executive decision to drop the squats down to 185. What a breeze that was, psychologically even moreso than physically. Staring down what could potentially be your failure weight each and every workout is a drain. And I didn't need to nag someone for a spot! I'm not trying to wimp out on attacking heavy weight though... I legitimately need to work on form so the weight decrease was necessary.

    I watched a ton of squat videos on this site so I picked up a few things to work on. I really focused on getting that bar pretty low on my shoulder blades, and I emphasized pushing my knees out at the bottom of the lifts. That seems to have corrected the sharp pain I had been getting at the intersection of my quads and hip.

    Squats - 185 lbs. - 5,5,5
    Military Press - 125 lbs. - 5,5,5
    Pendlay Rows - 160 lbs. - 5,5,5

    Military press was a struggle but I dug deep and got off the fifth rep. Rows was still a relative piece of cake.

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