Most people find both the book and proper technique helpful.
Hello all, long time lurker first time posting. I have been following the SS program and have gotten fantastic results in my first cycle. During my second cycle I found that I was having trouble finishing the workout, mostly during session of the power clean. I started tweaking my rest duration and found it helped only a little. I finished that cycle and have begun a third, but I keep running into the same issue. I then began to pore over whatever I could find online regarding power clean technique. All the while I have been making gains in the other lifts. Do you suggest I just keep powering through the deadlift and squat and over time the power clean will come up or do you think that it is high time to get the book and get my technique up to par? Thanks Coach! All other suggestions are welcome.
Best lifts:
Squat: 400x5
Bench: 280x5
Deadlift: 385x5
Press: 190x5
Power Clean: 210x5
Most people find both the book and proper technique helpful.
Why is your squat so much higher than your deadlift. Generally it is the other way around. Perhaps you don't have the form down right on the deadlift which would of course mean that your clean is fucked up too.
Miguel: Your 5RM squat is 15# more than your 5RM deadlift? Hmm...