I think you should try 20-rep Jump Off The Buildings. No rhomboid fatigue at all, lots of high-intensity leg work.
I have had gotten various input on my latest program goal. Some people have told me to go for it-others have said that 20 Rep Front Squats should NOT be done because the rhomboids tire out isometrically and I will not be able to use a heavy enough weight to exhaust my leg muscles. What is everyone's take? Anyone ever done this program?
I think you should try 20-rep Jump Off The Buildings. No rhomboid fatigue at all, lots of high-intensity leg work.
so.....you think I should go for it?
hey Rip,
on a similar note: i've been thinking about doing a 20 rep single leg, overhead squats workout, what do you think? Will my shoulders fatiguing be the limiting factor and thus reduce the usefulness? should i just do normal 20 rep single leg squats minus the overhead??
I mean it should intuit that if i can 20 rep single leg overhead squat 45 lbs at a heart rate of 180 I should be able to squat 405 for a single right?
I am terrified of having 275 lbs on my back for 20 reps. Cannot shake it off mentally, it scares the hell out of me. I refuse to go higher than 8 reps on the back squat. It is a fear that maybe does not have any merit, but I just feel that my form will deteriorate too much of the course of the set and I could potentially really hurt myself.
Front squats may be brutal, but there is a lot less room for serious error as far as technique is concerned.
We have arrived at the Truth. You are afraid. Some people stay that way.