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Thread: djne's training log deluxe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default djne's training log deluxe

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hey, first post on these forums

    Been on the rippetoe program for approximately 4 and a half months. I'm using the chin up/pull up routine with deadlifts once a week.
    I measure 169cm or approximately 5'7.

    My history in the gym.
    Had a go in the gym back when i was 17. Messed around for a few weeks and quit to focus on what i loved: dance. headspins and all that. Started up about a 16 months ago for 5 months doing crappy bodybuilding splits, not eating enough and focussing on getting washboard abs. I lost probably 2 kgs and got pretty frustrated.
    Went travelling for 6 months. no training, hardly any physical exercise and a lot of alcohol. Arrived home feeling weak and shakey. Decided to myself to man the fuck up and started SS.

    The below documents my history since my arrival home this year.


    Bodyweight: 72kg (158.4 lbs)
    Bodyfat: approx 17% or a bit less

    Squats: 80kg
    Deadlift: 80kg (1x5)
    Bench: 55kg

    3 sets average
    Dips: 7 reps
    Chin ups: 6 reps
    Pull ups: 3-4 reps


    Bodyweight: 79kg (174 lbs)
    bodyfat: 20%

    Squats: 135kg (297 lbs)
    Deadlift: 140kg (1x5) (308 lbs)
    Bench: 75kg (165 lbs)
    Press: 58.5kg (129 lbs)

    3 sets average
    Dips: 15 reps
    Chin ups: 9 reps
    Pull ups: 8 reps

    My eating habit for the first 6 weeks consisted of a shit load of milk and a lot of fat gain. I'm an endomorph or something and genuinely didn't need that many calories.
    about 6 weeks in i cut the excess milk and replaced it with booze, lots of it. My core lifts didn't progress at all really for another 6 weeks. the chins/pull ups/dips did increase however.

    The lack in improvement i think was due to:
    - Booze on the weekend and lack of hunger for 2 days thereafter each time i drank
    - Not eating enough
    - Overtraining (dips)
    - Poor form on the squat
    - extremely poor form on bench press which negatively effected my press (at the bottom of my bench the bar was right above my neck instead of the nipples)
    - Trained 1.5-2 times per week on average

    After messing about for a few more weeks i decided to get my squat form perfect. I also corrected my bench press.

    I have cut out the alcohol at the moment due to exams and i'm eating pretty good.
    What i like eating/drinking:

    1-3 glasses of milk per day (around 350-750 mls).
    50g peanut butter which i eat out of the jar. drink it down with the milk. Fucking excellent for getting the calories in easily.
    peanut butter sandwiches.
    chicken 1-3x weekly.
    beef 1-3x weekly.
    eggs: 4-9 per day with 2 pieces of wholemeal toast. every day. maybe some bacon as well.
    coffee/tea 1-2 per day.
    sometimes berries.

    I have protein shakes after my gym workout but generally not outside of that - i just don't like the taste. I'd rather eat real food.

    I'm not that great with the "lots of small meals each day" thing. Since my sleep pattern is so weird i usually eat 4x per day.

    back to the training element:
    I've decided to drop dips as a supplementary workout. I suspect they are the cause for my lack of progression each workout on my bench press. I've just recently dropped them so i'll let you know if they were the problem.
    I don't power clean. I just can't see the practicality. what on earth am i going to need to PC in real life?

    Squats. I think 135kg is close to my maximum for the novice program and have started having medium/light/heavy days
    ie 135kg medium, 125kg light, 140kg heavy. Any thoughts?

    My Bench i'm upping 1kg at a time. I've had NUMEROUS set backs.
    Hopefully i'll pull 76kg tomorrow

    The Press seems to be working out just fine. progressions progression. At about 62kg i think that'll be about it for linear progression.

    I'm not quite sure whether i should move on to the intermediate training regime. I think the weights i'm putting up are decent for my height. I've stalled heaps of times. I've always wondered how rip keeps telling ppl that the novice stage could go on for as long as 9 months with only 2-3 set backs. I've had many more than that. In fact my squats have only increased about 10kg over the last 2 months (though my form has perfected).

    My goals:

    3x5 reps
    Squat: 145kg
    Bench: 90kg <-- really want this
    Press: 65kg
    Deadlift: 160kg (1x5)

    I'm going to start boxing casually and may do some power routines (not sure).I'm also interested in to getting back in to breakdancing/gymnastics so power would help a lot. I'll definitely do a hypertrophy routine once i hit 90kg on the bench press regardless of my other weights.

    so, general questions:
    - Should I begin the intermediate program. If so, could you recommend which version i should try?
    - Any dieting tips? some neat, easy to prepare meals?
    - anything you'd like to comment on?

    Thanks, i'll keep you all updated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default update

    Training today was pretty good

    Squats: 140kg, - 308 lbs 3x5 reps no failure. PB.
    Bench Press: 76kg - 167 lbs, last set 1 failure. annoying.
    Deadlift: 145kg - 319 lbs 1x5 reps. no failure. PB.

    I decided to do dips. I was doing them incorrectly in the past and have realised how much more effective they are when executed properly. I just didn't feel like i had done enough.... need to work my routine out.

    I'm so focussed on getting 90kg. If anyone has any advice on supplementary exercises to bring up my BP i'd be thrilled.

    keep ya updated

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