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Thread: Starting Strength: East Bay, CA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    East Bay, CA

    Default Starting Strength: East Bay, CA

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I've decided it would be valuable to post a log here of my progress on Starting Strength...

    a) To have a record of progress
    b) Because it seems that the coaches and community here at SS do look at the log
    c) To keep me honest

    At age 41, and after years of the wrong exercise and over-training, I'm finally getting back to the basics. Sure, I'm late to the party, and I now have baggage from all the previous abuse (sorry rotator-cuff). But hey, maybe PROPER form on the basic lifts will get me over my nagging injuries of years passed... we'll see.

    I am off on vacation next Wednesday, so I decided I would spend this week and Monday next, going through the program and working out sensible starting weights with proper form.

    And for me, proper form is critical. My general nature is EXTREMELY competitive, and I will push too hard, too heavy and too fast. But I can not afford this any more. I MUST focus on form and never sacrifice it at the expense of progress.

    Looking through the programs, given where I am and the gym I train at, I opted for the Practical Programming routine. Here's what I settled on for starting weights where I can execute the movement with consistent bar speed and proper technique (as best I can tell):

    Squat: 135
    Bench: 95
    Deadlift: 185
    Press: 75
    Chins: 6, 4, 2

    I've always been decent at Squat and DL, so these # are comfortable for me. The BP and Press are low because of the left shoulder and rotator-cuff (RC) issues. I am weak in the left RC and these are the weights I can manage with a controlled, relatively pain-free lift. We'll see how it goes.

    Monday's workout was good, Wednesday was fine too. I did have bit of lingering dizziness and head-fullness after the DL on Wednesday that lasted 2-3 hours, but other than that, no problems.

    I have always suffered with chronic second-day soreness after workouts, and this time around is no exception. The worst is the arms, lats and teres major/minor etc. from the chins. I've not chinned in years and the strict form was tough!

    As for my current stats:

    41 years old
    ~15% BF

    When I come back from vacation, I'll repost on stats, and reset my PP workout on the above starting weights (despite having run a couple of increments this week)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Another geezling! At this rate we're going to have form up into more than one "V" when flying overhead. Welcome to the gathering gaggle of geezeers, pj.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    East Bay, CA


    Haha ... thanks Mark.

    Definitely feeling old of late ... but not too old to show the youngsters a thing or two. Thanks for the welcome... appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    East Bay, CA


    Squat, BP and Pull-ups today.

    Bodyweight: 170lb even.

    +10lb squat, 155lb, 3x5, smooth and strong

    +5lb BP, 100lb, 3x5, pretty good given the shoulder. Reduced the discomfort by lowering shoulder girdle (de-shrugging if standing)... helped a lot.

    5 pull-ups.

    I've realized I can not chin/pull-up twice a week, and maybe not at all. Not because I can't do one, but because I can't do them without shoulder and left bicep/elbow pain. I've been seeing the doc for the elbow on and off for months, and although it's up to day to day living, it ain't ready for prime time by any stretch. Luckily, I had the good sense to not push a second set today.

    I am desperately trying to stick to one of the programs without change, and I thought PP was it. But I've got to be realistic and work around the old injuries.... any program is better than no program – right?

    I chose PP versus the regular SS novice program for two reasons; 1) I wanted the additional pull work, and 2) my current gym is not geared for the PC... way too many people flitting around and limited space for the roomier lifts (i.e. outside the rack).

    I think when I get back from vacation, I am going to run PP and just drop the chin to once a week, and if that is still aggravating things, maybe no chin/pull-up at all, sticking with the core of Squat, BP/P and DL.

    Last edited by pjthiel; 07-16-2011 at 09:10 AM. Reason: Added bodyweight, typo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Bay Area, CA


    Then again, Rip has apparently advised TBone and 5inthehall, who both have some sort of elbow tendinitis, to irritate the hell out of it with lots of chinups to "force it to heal." This sounds insane to me, but I'm excited to watch their progress and see whether or not it works.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    East Bay, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by jgh View Post

    Then again, Rip has apparently advised TBone and 5inthehall, who both have some sort of elbow tendinitis, to irritate the hell out of it with lots of chinups to "force it to heal." This sounds insane to me, but I'm excited to watch their progress and see whether or not it works.
    Agreed ... does sound kind of crazy... but we've all done the same. I know I certainly have. Many a time I've just convinced myself that if I just keep doing it with proper form... it'll HAVE to get better, right? Sadly, this has seldom proved true for me. Hell, I'm trying it with the BP again now.

    Anyway, I've got time to think over the upcoming vacation. It'll be PP with chins only, once a week; or onto the SS program with PC -- people at the gym will just have to move out of my way!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    East Bay, CA

    Thumbs up Mon 7/17

    Bodyweight: 169lb
    Squat: 165lb x 3 x 5
    DL: 205 x 1 x 5

    First and final workout this week before I fly to Spain on Wednesday. I've used the last four workouts to settle into the routine and practice the proper form and establish sensible starter weights.

    As well as +!0lb on the squat, I was also playing with bar position. In the previous three sessions, I've had the bar higher on the meat of my traps, and although my form has been good (rump first out of the hole), I know it's not a low-bar squat form. So today, I planted the bar exactly where it needs to be in a low-bar squat, and I have to say it was mighty uncomfortable... primarily through the wrists. I am certain I was not "holding the bar up", but I lack some flexibility in my shoulder girdle and just maintaining this position is uncomfortable. The second thing I noticed was that to keep the bar over the center of my foot, I have to lean forward at the top of the movement quite a bit -- i.e. I'm not standing fully erect at the top of the movement... at least not as much as a high-bar squat. The reps themselves were fine, and I hit the 3 x 5 x 165 without any sign of stalling... so I'll stick at it and see how it goes.

    As for the dead lift... today I made the most wonderful discovery... amongst a sea of Iron Grip, ten-sided, 45lb plates, I found two, yes two ROUND IVANKO 45lb plates! I couldn't believe it!! After messing around with de-weighting AND resetting on my last session of dead lift with the hex plates, this weeks session was a breeze. Simply lower the bar,de-weight, re-breath and LIFT! Fabulous. 1 x 5 x 205lb was strong and steady.

    Next post will be two weeks today... assuming I'm good to workout the morning after I return to the US from Spain!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Bay Area, CA


    Needs more lifting!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    East Bay, CA


    Feel somewhat jaded after a weekend of travel from UK-->Spain-->CA ... but heading to the gym at 11am regardless.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Bay Area, CA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by pjthiel View Post
    Feel somewhat jaded after a weekend of travel from UK-->Spain-->CA ... but heading to the gym at 11am regardless.
    Welcome back! Was that work or pleasure?

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