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Thread: don't like to think too much (disconnect's training log)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New Haven, CT

    Default don't like to think too much (disconnect's training log)

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Wow, nothing like a few months off to humble a fellow. After a solid 4 months on the program earlier this year, my lifts were pretty decent:

    squat: 405 (started at 225)
    deadlift: 345 (started at 245)
    bench: 175 (started at 125)
    press: 135 (started at 65)
    pc: 165 (started at 65)

    But I wasn't comfortable with my squat form, I didn't like how my deadlifts were lagging, and it was time to take a triathlon break. So I did 4 weeks of dedicated endurance training, and I was blown away at how little my pace had fallen. My swim times were unchanged, despite having shitty technique: my ab strength was through the roof, and my freestyle stroke was the most powerful it's ever been. My bike pace was a little slower, but I had so much more leg strength that climbing wasn't anywhere as tough as it used to be. Running was harder, but again, the added leg strength offset my reduced endurance. I didn't set PRs, but I did do better than my first year. And the way I felt just walking around was like night and day from the previous year, when I was training for my first Ironman.

    I doubt I'm going to give up triathlon. I enjoy the training, races are fun, and it's a good community. But it's definitely not enough to keep me feeling strong.

    So, having gone to the Brooklyn seminar, it's time to get back under the bar. Last night's lifts:

    squat: 287x3x5
    bench: 166x3x5
    dead: 309x1x5

    Squats were tough, but manageable. Same for bench. Deadlift was the worst. The plates moved around and threw me off, and I just felt like ass. I'll deload next time and get a form video.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Welcome back. Was it hard for you to progress on your bench? You have some nice numbers on your squat. Good luck and keep the log updated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New Haven, CT


    devilbones, this is the first time I've really tried to develop my upper body strength, so I don't have a basis for comparison. But yes, I did stall out a few times on bench and press.

    Tonight's numbers:

    squat: 292x3x5
    press: 111x3x5
    PC: 155x6x3

    I'm still not squatting deep enough, dammit. I recorded form vids at 221 and 265, then went back and did 3 sets at 221 trying to get proper depth. The work sets were okay at the first rep and high by the last rep. So I deloaded to 265 and did one last set trying to get depth. It looks like I have to bring my heels together a bit; if they're wider, either my knees feel like they're about to split (because my lower legs are way outside) or my hips give me grief.

    Presses were okay, after the first rep where I misjudged the height of the ceiling. Cleans were unremarkable and felt okay, except I'm still not racking properly (I'm catching with elbows more or less underneath and THEN bringing elbows forward).

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