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Background : 52 yrs old
Weight : 205 - Started SS @ 183 and got up to 228 but backed off SS due to working 7 days a week this past summer . Numbers at end of SS are as follows .
Squat : 345 5RM
Bench : 235 5RM
Deadlift : 365 RM
I know these numbers are not that great but I have had shoulder surgery 2 yrs ago for a labrum tear. I have a right knee that had ACL reconstruction that is full of arthritis now and I cannot get to ful extension, so I'm somewhat happy with them.. My main reason for thinking of running TM now is my recovery ability at 52 .
A couple of questions if I may coach .. I don't have access to a glute/ham and I was thinking of doing Rom. Deads on recovery day and was wondering if it is a good replacement ? Would you still use the recommened set/rep range as other assistance exercises or are they going to be too much a day after vol squats ?
The first week I did 235 5X5 squat on vol and 315 on intesity day and on 2nd look I think the vol. wght was too low and maybe 315 was too aggressive for the fist week ?The 315 went up fairly easy for a set at 5RM . Is there a percentage or should Vol day be just enough of a reduction to account for 5's across ? 2nd week I upped vol. squat to 265 5x5 and did 320 x 5 x1 on intensity day, still maybe too big of a gap ..
Last question. In PP on page 124 you say to do sets of 1,2 or 3 on intesnity day and to change them up, but on the sample workout you advice to do a 5M (which I have been doing so far) . Any reccomendation based on my age or numbers ? I'm sure I will do triples and doubles as a change up at some point soon ..