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Thread: MrsTextbook's Powerlifting Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default MrsTextbook's Powerlifting Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have been too chicken to join SS, and omg, POST here, but I feel my training is wavering and this will help me with staying on track.

    Powerlifting only since September '11. 2.5 years of lifting + CF. No previous athletic experience.

    40 year old female with lupus, I need to be really careful with not doing too much and preventing flares. I just got over a pretty bad one, lasted most of January into Feb. Blech. I mention this because I want to monitor signs and symptoms so I can hopefully see one as it starts to evolve and nip it in the bud. I searched for lupus in the forums, and there were only 3 entries. I figured someone else at some point will search for it and maybe I can help.
    Ht: 5'5"
    Wt: 152ish, dunno, try not to weigh often, only when a PL meet is on horizon

    Training is wavering d/t: 1) flare up 2) PL coach has a lot going on in his life, and we haven't been able to train together for some weeks. He may be moving to TN in the summer, ugh. He is WL coach, but just does PL with me.

    Goat came back from a squat clinic with Rip, all hopped up on the new (to us) squat stance. Tuesday I stupidly decided to do my regular work sets with the new set up, I didn't want to back down to learn something new. I am hard headed. I need the firm hand of a coach to tell me not do dumb things like that. Of course, I cannot listen to Goat. (Who is the "Textbook" of "MrsTextbook")

    work sets 190# 4 x 4 which was abbreviated workout.

    (was supposed to do 4 x 6, gym got busy, had to leave)

    went back today, this time in oly shoes, and much lighter weight, 95#, and got comfortable with toes turned out and the feeling of leaning over.

    then front squats, why? Cause I had my adistars on, that's why.
    95 3 x 3
    115 2 x 2
    125 2 x 1

    far cry from the 175 x 1 I did this summer, but I haven't done a FS since August, so that's ok.

    pull ups: 5 x3, 6 x 2; 30 sec rest
    conditioning: none. this is something I have to watch re: flare up.

    will squat again tomorrow, will be smart girl and take the weight down to.... I don't know. I will ask Goat, and will do what he says. 155? ha, so that means I should probably go down to 135.

    Ordered 3rd edition today, and signed us both up for seminar in MD in May. Excited. I did a shorter cert with Rip in '09, when it was a CF cert, with about 60 people. Was what got me excited about lifting in the first place. This time around it is longer and I have more experience, can't wait to be there, in a much smaller setting. Kewl.

    I'll do goals, current lifts, all that junk later, just want to get first entry in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    brooklyn, son


    welcome! congratulations on your first post!

    one of the things that most inspired me to lift was this video by a lupus patient - perhaps you've seen it? about a year after i saw this video, i saw ANOTHER video of an Olympic lifting competition, and randomly she was in it...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Lincoln, UK


    Welcome, we're starting to get a great community of women on here!

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Thanks ladies. Read through your blogs and I feel like a middle school kid lost in the high school! that's good though, I need to be around strong women.

    On tap for today is squat and DL. Very amped up to hit the gym and lift after work. Sometimes I feel like work is just a way to pass the time til I go to the gym. Sometimes? More like all the time.

    ok some stats
    Squat 220
    Bench 135
    DL 285* that was def hitched LOL oops. Most I have pulled NON hitching is 260. Since I compete, I'm looking to eliminate that.
    Press 90 ugh

    those are all singles and pretty recent.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Lincoln, UK


    Those stats make me the middle school kid!

    Quote Originally Posted by MrsTextbook View Post
    Sometimes I feel like work is just a way to pass the time til I go to the gym.
    I hear you, although I'm at Uni and should be thinking about jobs, the future and other such grown up things, I'm really just thinking about whether I can get another 5lbs on my dead or when I'll finally get my 1 plate bench.

  7. #7
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    North Jersey


    Good training with Goat today.

    Still getting comfy with new squat stance. Coupled with feeling out of sorts with my coach/his programming, seems like a good time to back off with the weight, and come up with new programming. It's kind of like a break up. I have mixed feelings about him. Phooey. Thinking about TM, paging through PP, think that might be best option.

    Sets of 5 @
    180 - felt somewhat of struggle: knees moving wee bit forward, had to really focus on hip drive.
    170 - Goat mentioned something about the apocalypse... ha ha. Meaning that instead of forcing another set at 180, I (gasp!) lowered the weight so I could nail it. Yeah, he thinks he's got jokes. I gave him the finger. Going back to 170 was the right thing to do. Felt solid.

    Deadlift. Had been doing only singles for a set of 5 seemed awfully intimidating.
    195 - pretty effortless, back super tight (I have problems in thoracic area with rounding)
    225 x 3 - was going for 5, 1st was a beaut, 2nd not quite as tight, 3rd had the old T spine rounding as it lifted from floor. I was able to stand up with it, but it wasn't a good lift considering the load. Decided to stop there, Goat wanted me to wait tiny bit and pull another single @ 225, but I had already been there 1.5 hrs and had to split.

    I have a problem resetting my back in between reps with multiple dls. Been doing lots of work in that area with lacrosse ball, that crap hurts like hell when I'm doing it, but pretty good afterwards.

    Was starving by time got home, felt like there was not ever going to be enough food to satisfy me. Pulled chicken, LOTS of it, then an entire Lindt dark choc bar with almond butter. Didn't eat enough for breakfast, its a constant challenge to eat enough protein. I try not to get wacky with counting calories/grams of stuff (ED history: effed my senses of satiety/fullness and hunger) but every now and then I have to run my numbers to ensure adequate protein. I used to really undereat, I've bumped up my calories quite a bit, recovery has been better, I feel full all the time. Except today

    Have cuppa Earl Grey, gonna cozy up with more PP and read, read, read.

    I need to register for my April meet. I am procrastinating on that...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    North Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by yonkyogirl View Post

    I hear you, although I'm at Uni and should be thinking about jobs, the future and other such grown up things, I'm really just thinking about whether I can get another 5lbs on my dead or when I'll finally get my 1 plate bench.
    I am "all grown up": have job, house, kid, pets, aging parents.... and I *still* think about getting another 5lbs on my dl. When I am extremely bored at work, I daydream of a monster linear progression, one where I go from a 185 workset to 315..... no resets LOL

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    brooklyn, son


    god, me too. I have caught myself daydreaming at my desk, in full view of the several people who report to me, of some monster lift, only to realize I am making a horrible face and grunting *out loud.*

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    North Jersey


    starting strength coach development program
    Have you had the dreams of The Big Lift?

    For me, its always DL, at a competition. I am pulling 300, the crowd is silent, I lock out, eye contact with judge, signal given, barbell down. Crowd goes wild. In its various forms: I am crying, tears streaming down my face as I lock out; I am smiling through gritted teeth, face pink, jugulars poppin'; lift is complete, white lights and I jump up and leap into Goat's arms; lift is complete, white lights and I pass out in a crumpled heap.

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