Squat 80kg 5,5,5
Press 35kg 5,5,5
Deadlift 105kg 5
All felt okay. I was going to go for 82.5kg for the squats but couldn't find any 1.25kg plates. I really need to order some.
As my join date suggests I have been interested in lifting and starting strength for some time now. My time lifting has been marked by long and frequent breaks, typically I'll have enough time and money to train for a couple of months, before being forced to stop for a couple months more. This includes taking a year to 'study' in Italy and Spain.
I'm just about to graduate from university after four long years. In the last few weeks of term when I just had exams and no lessons, I made plenty of progress of progress on my lifts and felt great about training. I've had to take a few weeks off, but have had a couple of sessions this week.
My best lifts:
Squat 95kg 3x5
Bench 42.5kg 3x5
Deadlift 115 1x5
Press 40kg 3x5
Powerclean 40kg 5x3
All of those lifts came within my last bout of training which probably says a lot about the way I trained in the past.
Now that I'm no longer at uni I'm forced to train in a crappy gym, that provides no chalk has just one powercage and just one squat rack, which for a gym of its size is terrible. I really hate this gym, but without money and/or a car, it's my only option for now. I can't do powercleans at this gym as there's no bumper plates, no boxes to get the right height.
I'm 5'11, ~77kg and if you hadn't guessed by the name, I'm female. My next session should be Monday.
Squat 80kg 5,5,5
Press 35kg 5,5,5
Deadlift 105kg 5
All felt okay. I was going to go for 82.5kg for the squats but couldn't find any 1.25kg plates. I really need to order some.
Hello :-) Some great lifts there.
If I ever powerclean I just stack up some plates to the right height, not perfect but it works.
Squat 82.5kg 5,5,5
Rows 40kg 5,5,5
Bench Press 35kg 5,5,5
Found the 1.25kg plates! Squats were fine. The rows felt pretty heavy, probably started too heavy. I miss powercleans, if the gym weren't so busy I would have stacked some plates so I could pull from the right height. Bench was easy. Ran for a bit on the treadmill until I got bored, lol.
I hate illness! But I'm back now.
Squats 65kg 5,5,5
Press 20kg 10
Deadlift 95kg 5
Wasn't sure what I'd use for work sets after being ill for so long and not eating properly. The squats were fine and I think I'll go up by 5kg next time. My left shoulder has been feeling a little sore since yesterday, so I just pressed the bar for a while. Deadlifts were DOH and unbelted. I was going to go for a row afterwards but the rowing machines are gone! I hate running on treadmills and their bikes are shit, so I went on the cross trainer. I'm going to have to get up early or run really late to avoid the heat.
Squats 70kg 5,5,5
Bench 32.5kg 5,5,5
Rows 32.5kg
Kept the rows really light to ease back into it.
Squats 75kg 5,5,5
Press 30kg 5,5,5
Deadlift 100kg 5
Inverted rows 4,5,5
Rowing 10mins random setting
Everything was okay, except the deadlifts, the last couple of reps were more like singles. It was pretty warm today. Pet peeve, pentagonal bars.
Last edited by rlw; 08-02-2012 at 05:13 PM.
Squats 77.5kg 5,5,5
Bench 35kg 5,5,5
Rows 30kg 5,5,5
I found the 1.25kg plates, there were about 3 pairs of them being used to prop up some machines. Trust me to find them a few hours after I ordered a pair of my ownWe're seeing if we can convince my Dad to have a gym in our garage; our first mission is to clear all the crap out of it. I'm excited already even though I know it's a long way off.
Squats 80kg 5,5,5
Press 32.5kg 5,5,5
Deadlift 105kg 4,1
Squats were fine. Hurt my hands a bit with stupid grip for the presses. Annoyed with the deadlifts, got the fifth rep past my knees and gave up! Did the last rep less than a minute later. Did some inverted rows and went on the rowing machine. I'll probably go for a run tomorrow morning.