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Thread: Squat form turned to crap with deadlift form in hot pursuit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Squat form turned to crap with deadlift form in hot pursuit

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi all,

    I'm a 38 y/o male, 185lb, 5'9", 4 months into SS. Also, I am duck footed. My 5x3 PRs
    Bench - 205
    Overhead - 125
    Squat - 210
    Deadlift - 320 (5x1)

    I set the last 3 PRs in a single session a week and a half ago...felt invincible at the time.

    The truth is that I barely rescued the last squat in my first set. I came way forward, lost my lower back support, and ended up finishing the rep as a shitty good morning. I'd been having more and more leaning-forward issues on the squat since about 180, after yet another reset (my 3rd) to "fix" my form a month earlier.

    The deadlift was a 15lb increase over my normal 10lb from the week before because I felt so damn strong at the time. It went great until I checked the video and saw how horribly rounded my lower back was for all five pulls.

    All last week my lower back was very sore and every single one of my light day squats had the same crappy forward bar path no matter what. My Sat. squat attempt at 215 was an abomination where I dumped the first rep of the first two sets and didn't try for a third set. My 285lb DL warmup was so heavy that I ended up just lifting that 5x and being done with it. Yesterday my lower back was intensely sore where I could hardly move it. Foam rolled/tennis ball'd the hell out if it and resolved to power through today's workout no matter what. I ended up leaning forward on my 95lb warmups. I just couldn't keep my damn back straight no matter what. The rest of the workout consisted of miserable failures at lighter weights, but I did get all my reps. No deadlifts, though.

    I really don't want to reset yet again for this. It just seems like my lower back is too weak to properly support my spine. It gets pulled out of alignment and then I strain the hell out if it. I feel like today's shit show was due to the soreness leading to even weaker support than usual. I think most of you on this board are of the opinion that doing the problem exercise is the best way to work the muscles for that exercise. I get that, but is there ever any exception to that rule? I'm feeling like my supporting muscles are so weak that they are keeping me from progressing. That would certainly explain why my squat is so pathetically light to begin with. I don't know how many times I can go back to 160 just to let it slowly go to crap again.

    How do I fix my squat?

    I think my DL sucks due to aggressive weight and the damage my crappy squats did. I think I can fix those with a small first reset. That said, my confidence isn't too high right now.

    Or am I just being a pussy? I did get through the workout today, but maybe that was a mistake.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Video please.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    are you eating enough? and do you have good shoes?

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