Every couple of weeks you should take a month off, just to be sure you're recovered. REMEMBER: you don't get strong from lifting weights -- you get strong from RECOVERING from lifting weights.
Every couple of weeks you should take a month off, just to be sure you're recovered. REMEMBER: you don't get strong from lifting weights -- you get strong from RECOVERING from lifting weights.
Best one ever. Thank you.
During the month off, how frequently should one receive massage? Also, is it ok to take a break from all this tiresome eating?
Surely you meant every couple of workouts. Typo?
0.285714 to 0.428571 weeks
Rip is correct, but remember to eat lots of donuts on your vacations. Donuts are the key to recovery.
Yeah, that's great advice. I followed that protocol over the past 14 months, and TRIPLED my deadlift!
As a 6'3", 425 lb. man, I started Deadifting 60 lbs. By doing my training in stops and starts, I rocketed to 195 lbs. I'm coming out of one of my extreme recovery novice mesocycles on Sunday. It'll be awesome. I might break 2 plates per side before I get tired and recover...