"The high school pays a company to search its campus for contraband using drug-sniffing dogs."
Seems a little excessive. Can't even leave a joint in the car for the trip back home.
Zero Tolerance: 2 Teens Face Expulsion, Jail for Fishing Knives, Advil in Their Cars - Hit & Run : Reason.com
The entire state is run by a coalition of criminals and 14-year-old girls. If you raise your kids there, bad things like this can happen. But, if you think this shit is appropriate, please PLEASE stay in California.
"The high school pays a company to search its campus for contraband using drug-sniffing dogs."
Seems a little excessive. Can't even leave a joint in the car for the trip back home.
Unfortunately, this sort of zero tolerance nonsense isn't limited to California. Lots of states seem similarly insane in this regard.
BTW, "And in Texas, nearly 60 percent of students have been suspended by the time they graduate high school, according to a 2011 report by the Council of State Governments’ Justice Center." Zeroing out Zero Tolerance - The Atlantic
Yes. Anywhere the bureaucrats have given themselves permission to not use good judgement (assuming they were capable of this anyway), leaving is the best option. I am not raising kids. Would you argue that Texas is as bad as California?
They train dogs to sniff out Advil?
I suppose when a drug sniffing dog finds Advil on a citizen in a non-school environment the cops just plant something actually illegal on the person so they can make an arrest.
For fuck's sake. Everyone involved in prosecuting these kids needs to be brought up on charges and these kids should be compensated.
Well, it appears that reason prevailed after a 3.5 fucking hour disciplinary hearing.
San Pasqual High School Students With Knives Will Not be Expelled or Charged: District, PD | NBC 7 San Diego
Meanwhile, at the other end of the state (the "real California"), in Ft. Jones, hundreds of kids park their shitty pickups outside of their high school with gun racks full, ready for the after-school hunt. Their glove boxes packed full of 30.06 and other kinds of ammo. And nobody gets their panties in a wad about it either.
I'm sick and tired of three, tiny, little areas relative to the state dictating its entire reputation. Those three areas would be - The Bay Area, LA, and San Diego, of which Escondito lies near/is basically a part of. I couldn't count the amount of conservative valued inhabitants in pretty much ANY OTHER PART OF THE STATE. I couldn't count the amount of wild, gun toting, confederate flag waiving, red neck sons of guns either, from the Cascades clear through the San Joaquin Valley. The California you hear about on the news all the time is a small fraction of the consensus of the entire state. Sure, the "state wide" bureaucracy is bat shit crazy. But don't let it fool you.
Google "State of Jefferson" for the other California.
It is a ridiculous time to be raising kids anywhere. Lenore Skenazy has experienced and written some scary shit lately in this regard. Some of it is for reason.
Anything that assumes they might have two or three functioning brain cells in their head or that every single person on the street isn't a kidnapping pedefile will get you in trouble these days.
People have some pretty short memories in regard to their own childhoods and what they somehow managed to survive.
I have no idea how the future generation is expected to access risk when they are never allowed to face any.
Ironically, we are in the safest time ever to be a kid.........so I guess we have to invent monsters.