People are silly because it's easier.
Just reading through the posts and have noticed a strange pattern:
OP writes into to complain/question some problem with their lifts.
You respond with "post a video."
OP may or may not respond. If they respond it is usually with something to the affect of "I will try to get to it" and then more clarifications. Other posters respond and prompt for a video. Conversation ensues between the OP and other forum members, but rarely is a video ever posted.
This seems silly. Why are people silly?
People are silly because it's easier.
What a "silly" question. Sorry, couldn't help myself!
What I respect about Mark is he makes you think about your question. He helps you figure it out yourself by asking you questions that will lead you to an answer.
Some people just want an answer without effort (which he can't do for the most part, he doesn't know you!).
Those willing to put effort in will work through his process answering his questions, and learn along the way.
Give a man a fish....
Some people just want the fish, they don't want to learn how to fish, at times Mark may fish for them and beat them with it lol
Which takes me to;
Light a fire for a man, he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
The most common response when a video is asked for: it may take a week or two because (some silly random shit).
+1 here. If you do not have a video on hand. Then you haven't done enough (anything??) to try and correct or at least understand your form errors on your own . if that's the case, you have no right asking a question about your form. Try to solve on your own and then get help. At least then you are starting to learn what good\bad form is and how it feels.
I get my balls busted from coworkers who workout with me when we travel....because I film ever single set. But, I'll take the teasing and my 315lb (and growing) squat. They can take the laughs along with their 125lb squats (after 3 months of random workouts).
The reason for this is simple. Poster says they squat 160kg when in reality they squat 160lbs. Posting a video would make this readily apparent. Or they may post a video squatting 160lbs and say it was a warm up set. The justification being that their form is better with lower weights.
This is why people quit all the time. The moment they have to step out of their comfort zone and do something they didn't expect to do, they get lazy and stop giving a damn... because they didn't really give a damn in the first place.
Or they just forget. Who knows lol