Originally Posted by
Eric K
If you really wanted to bring milk, you could bring powder and mix it in your canteen cup. I don't know if it's worth the hassle, though (you probably already know this, but do not mix it in your canteen out in the field...). It's possible to do reasonably well on the 3 mile at heavier body weights, but I found that it put a big beating on my legs to train for it. The Marine Corps just needs to get rid of that test, but I don't see it happening any time soon. It's a give and take, and you have to decide which is the best balance for what you want, since promotion is tied to the score, it's not entirely trivial. At least during the second half of the year during CFT testing, the 800 m is easy to get a high score on. Good luck, train hard, but pick a goal and be consistent.