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Thread: Weekend amusement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Lakeland, FL


    She probably got a Clinton's chance in DC of facing charges though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Brockton, MA


    These people fucking infuriate me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    It is illegal to purchase a gun across state lines unless the transaction is processed through an FFL in the buyer’s home state.

    Great article, but this statement is not totally correct. While a handgun must be transferred through an FFL in a buyer's home state, a long gun (rifle or shotgun) may be purchased from an FFL in any state (unless prohibited by either state's law.)

    So as a resident of Texas, I may only buy handguns in Texas, but I may buy a rifle or shotgun in any state from an FFL, unless Texas or the state in which I am buying the long gun have a law stating otherwise.

    Anyways, it's no surprise that the anti-gun propagandists were willing to break federal law in order to "save the children." It isn't about guns, it's about control.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    From the ATF website:

    2. May I lawfully transfer a firearm to a friend who resides in a different State?Under Federal law, an unlicensed individual is prohibited from transferring a firearm to an individualwho does not reside in the State where the transferee resides. Generally, for a person to lawfullytransfer a firearm to an unlicensed person who resides out of State, the firearm must be shipped to aFederal Firearms Licensee (FFL) within the recipient’s State of residence. He or she may thenreceive the firearm from the FFL upon completion of an ATF Form 4473 and a NICS backgroundcheck. More information can be obtained on the ATF website at ATF Home Page | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and The GCA provides an exception from thisprohibition for temporary loans or rentals of firearms for lawful sporting purposes. Thus, forexample, a friend visiting you may borrow a firearm from you to go hunting. Another exception isprovided for transfers of firearms to nonresidents to carry out a lawful bequest or acquisition byintestate succession. This exception would authorize the transfer of a firearm to a nonresident whoinherits a firearm under the will of a decedent. See 18 U.S.C. 922(a)(5).

  6. #6
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    Sep 2014


    As a general point, there are several well known inaccuracies in the ATF's FAQ, but what I am saying is specifically addressed here: May an unlicensed person acquire a firearm under the GCA in any State? | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

    May an unlicensed person acquire a firearm under the GCA in any State?

    Generally, a person may only acquire a firearm within the person’s own State. Exceptions include the acquisition pursuant to a lawful bequest, or an over–the–counter acquisition of a rifle or shotgun from a licensee where the transaction is allowed by the purchaser’s State of residence and the licensee’s State of business. A person may borrow or rent a firearm in any State for temporary use for lawful sporting purposes.

    [18 U.S.C 922(a)(3); 27 CFR 478.29]
    I will also add that I have bought 8 long guns in states other than my state of residence over the year from an FFL, and it was in compliance with federal law. When I found handguns in other states, I had them shipped to an FFL in my state of residence.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The quoted passage:

    or an over–the–counter acquisition of a rifle or shotgun from a licensee where the transaction is allowed by the purchaser’s State of residence and the licensee’s State of business.
    refers to a "counter" and a "licensee." Who has a counter and a license? A guy in a parking lot?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    No, and that is not what I said in my first post.

    As an unlicensed individual, it is legal to buy a rifle or shotgun from a licensee (FFL) in any state, so long as it is legal in your state of residence and the state you are buying in. Despite what the ATF FAQ says, there is no need for a "counter" and that word does not appear in federal law. You may buy a long gun from an FFL in another state at a gun show or even in parking lot. You will still fill out a 4473 and have background check done (unless you have a CHL from the state you are purchasing in and it is NICS exempt.)

    It is definitely illegal to buy from an unlicensed individual in another state. So I can't go across state lines and conduct a private party sale. That is what Couric's team did, and it was clearly illegal. Nonetheless, the statement in the article is not totally accurate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The OP was about Couric and her "team" of people-who-would-be-in-jail-were-they-not-in-the-media. You have successfully confused the issue.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Perhaps, but it seems to me the point of the article is to also point out what federal law actually says and not what Couric and her people think it is. As such, I think having accurate statements about federal law would be a good idea.

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