If you are going to deadlift heavy in a meet, you must handle max loads in excess of that permitted by a double-overhand grip -- you must either hook or alternate your grip. Has this been somehow misunderstood?
Lifters of the SS Community - stop trying to TRAIN the Deadlift with a double overhand grip. It seems like the last month or so I have consulted with a growing number of trainees who are, for some reason, insistent on training the lift double overhand.
The common thinking is that you are somehow "cheating" if you hook it or alternate it. You are not. Deads are a leg, hip, and back exercise - not a grip exercise. You will be shorting yourself lots and lots of weight with this strategy.
I see similarities in this thinking to the anti-belt crowd. It makes no sense.
That is all.
If you are going to deadlift heavy in a meet, you must handle max loads in excess of that permitted by a double-overhand grip -- you must either hook or alternate your grip. Has this been somehow misunderstood?
Meet shmeet. What about just training to get strong? Where/when to straps fit in?
You will get stronger when working with heavier loads.
Straps are really good for volume work. Like for an advanced lifter who might be doing a short accumulation cycle where deadlifts are performed for lots of sets. Additionally, if you want to pull higher rep back off deadlift sets, straps might be a good idea for a grip that is already tired from the work set.
Yes. It has. By enough people where I felt obligated to comment.
Imagine that. No one has ever misunderstood the Gallon of Milk a Day advice, or why the Chinese weightlifting team doesn't need to squat in the low-bar position. Why this?
Shit man. Humanity seems quite able to fuck even the simplest of things up. It would be entertaining if it weren't so sad. Thanks for what you guys do here.
Be that as it may, coach Baker, that still doesn't explain why you resemble Karwoski in this picture.
In all seriousness, I have to agree. People who ramble about "beltless PRs" blow my mind.