10x10 chins????
Towards the end of volume chins, 10x10, I have to increase the 2 minute rest period to complete all reps. Bumping up to 3 minutes allows me to grind them out with slightly degraded form. 5 minutes allows solids reps with good form, chest to the bar.
What's the primary factor that's recovering during the rest period? ATP generation?
10x10 chins????
Yes. Why?
Used to be 20x8 with 1 minute rest. Wanted to increase the reps, and the that many sets took too much time, so i backed off to 10x10. Those extra two on every set take a lot out of me. It was like a non-linear increase in work.
The bioenergetics is in PPST3. I am layed off of chins for a while, got tired of them. Doing reverse grip rows.
What's the problem here?
Somewhere on the board Rip has a program that progresses chins. I used it to go for 10 sets of low reps, which wasn't hard to continue to 20 sets. Then added one rep very infrequently to each of the 20 sets. Took a long while, was very difficult, but worked. I seemed to hit a wall at 20x8. Then went to 10x10, which I find requires more rest than 8s. Got me wondering about energy and chemicals.
Partly, I was motivated to chin volume to work shoulder pain. Seems to have helped.