Ulcers, or GERD in general?
Hello Rip,
Many of the higher ranked Medical sites state that ulcers aren't caused by stress at all. However, there is a book I'm reading (by recommendation of Jordan Feigenbaum) called Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, and the book essentially states that repeated stress response can cause ulcers and a host of other problems.
Do you have an opinion about ulcers? Do you have any tips for someone with an ulcer?
Ulcers, or GERD in general?
There are a lot of things you don't know about this, virtually all of which can be fixed with Google.
My primary care physician believes I do. I'm currently waiting or blood test results to come back (not sure what that will tell us).
I'm not the type of person who goes to the doctor much but I went because I had upper abdominal pain everyday for about a month - followed with a lot of indigestion, etc. I've never had anything like this before.
Have you been taking a lot of ibuprofen? If so, have you taken it with enough food? I've personally experienced peptic ulcer symptoms from that. Reducing ibuprofen use and a short run on proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole did the trick. Obviously, you know the best course is to talk to your doc, but that's my experience.
You guys seem to be throwing the term "peptic ulcer" around pretty freely.