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Thread: Program question about PC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Post Program question about PC

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    When I started strenght training in January I wasn't able to do 1 (one) good chin at BW of 82kg so I alternated Deadlifts with chins - instead of PC... Sorry!

    To improve chins I tried various systems but the better for me seems to do max reps for a period of time (instead of X set of Y reps): actually I do max reps in 10' and can do 4 reps in row at BW of 86kg.

    Now that I've regained a bit of general strength after about three months of training I'd like to insert Power cleans in the training: which is the better way to accomodate them in the program?

    Because DL is beginning to be relatively heavy and taxing for me (108kg last workout) I'd think to do it once a week and once a week also PC and chins, this way:

    Press / Bench Press
    PC / DL / Chins

    Is it a "not so bad program"?

    Can I improve chins doing them only once a week? I'd like to continue to do them because, as you said, they can improve also the Press performance
    (which is my worst lift in absolute - considering the weight ratio to other exercises like squat and DL)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Most of the versions of the novice program will work, some better than others, as long as linear progression occurs. This one will work.

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