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Thread: Starting Out: Q re app on DL vs Power Clean:

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Default Starting Out: Q re app on DL vs Power Clean:

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Rip: I am 74 years old with an arthritic knee. Have lifted for years but not for a long time. So please consider me a rank novice. Have sent for both your books and will read them thoroughly--and hopefully, put them into practice. In the meantime, I am confused. When I first downloaded the app, I am certain it called for the DL in both A & B routines. But, whether I did something to cause it or whatever, it now shows Squat/BP/DL for RTN A and Squat/Press/Power Clean for RTN B.

    Question: I am starting out with your absolute minimum weight recommendations. Should I be starting out with the DL on every workout, or varying between DL and Power Clean?

    Thanks very much for your guidance and your great site and videos.

    Russ Roberts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Deadlift every workout, for the foreseeable future. At 74 with an arthritic knee, you probably don't need to clean.

  3. #3
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Pretty sure the app doesn't switch you over to power clean, but it does suggest it with an alert after you've deadlifted your bodyweight for 5 reps. I will double check at my end, thanks for the heads up Russ.

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