Big massive fucker, huh? Herculoid. He seems to think that vegetables and fruit are full of enzymes, and therefore amino acids, but that heat converts these bountiful amino acids into... carbs?
Big massive fucker, huh? Herculoid. He seems to think that vegetables and fruit are full of enzymes, and therefore amino acids, but that heat converts these bountiful amino acids into... carbs?
Wow, I now know what I have been doing wrong! I need to write that dude a thank you letter. Forget about lifting and drinking milk. Eating apples will make me a hulking monster, able to squat 500 lbs.
"I have too much muscle" lmao what a retard.
He's all of 150 lbs.
his theory is completely off, and not how the body works at all.
"Enzymes are complex chains of amino acids."
So what exactly are proteins?
I think I lost 20 IQ points by watching that stupid shit. And I want my 4 minutes back.
I like how he says he does not eat protein, instead he eats enzymes! Perhaps if he had a basic understanding of biochemistry he would realize that virtually all enzymes are proteins.....
"How is it that I'm 15 pounds overweight for a runner? I have too much muscle. I build muscle by not doing anything. How is that possible without protein?"
If his point is that he is living proof that you can gain muscle by not exercising and by only eating fruits and vegetables, I don't think he made it.
But apparently eating primarily fruits makes you talk like one. is down right now, but I'd be willing to bet that to get the same amount of amino acids from an apple that you get from a chicken breast, or a glass of milk, you would have to eat enough apples that his argument for "wasting energy" would be moot.
"The body can break down ... fats pretty easily [compared to proteins]."
I'm not a dietitian, but I'm pretty sure that fats take longer to break down than either proteins or carbs.
Whatever, this guy is using himself as a basis for a dietary lifestyle and he has nothing to back it up.
Robert, he understands what enzymes are made of. He just thinks that apples are about half enzymes, I guess.
Rip, if you could ever arrange a "Point/Counterpoint" style debate with this guy, I'd pay $10,000 to be there. In fact, e-mail me and let's see if we can make it happen.
A few random thoughts:
? I'd be hesitant to call this guy a male, hormonally speaking
? I'd also be hesitant to call him an athlete
? I'd certainly be hesitant to call him a nutrition expert.
? What are the chances that he's a PETA terrorist?
? Most anthropologists believe that meat-eating was the key factor that allowed the human brain to grow to its present size and allow humans to outstrip other animals in terms of intelligence.
? Further, cooking food (as opposed to eating it raw) distinguishes advanced human civilizations from primitive ones.
? Many nutrients require cooking in order to make them bio-available. Lyocpene is one example
? One reason why vegetable-based proteins suck is that the amino acids becomes "trapped" in the plants cellulose, and you just poop them out.
? This guy should leave saving the planet to Al Gore? at least then we can eat meat (I think)