You can work harder to set your back in extension but other than that this weight is too light to tell much. Keep adding weight and post again when the bar speed starts to slow
Hi everyone,
That'd be great if I could get a DL form check please.
Male, 35 years old, started SS 3 months.
Squat from 103 lbs to 257 lbs x 5 x 3
Deadlift from 59 lbs to 244 lbs x 5 - however this video shows DL at 209 lbs as I'm in recovery mode due to change in life and I did reset my weights down to about 15%.
I have been made aware that my DL is lagging behind my squat so I'm assuming it is due to my technique.
Weight at the start 178 to now 202 lbs, I’m 186 cms (6 ft 1).
1 set of 5 :
Thanks in advance.
You can work harder to set your back in extension but other than that this weight is too light to tell much. Keep adding weight and post again when the bar speed starts to slow
Ryan Arnold
No worries, will do. Thanks Ryan.