How are your testosterone levels?
I am 31 medically retired veteran after neck shoulder tumor issues in spine/spinal cord growing in and out of Spine/spinal cord . Had c6-t1 fusion back side of spine eroded from tumors now have two rods on spine and many screws. Had shoulder surgery to debur bone spurs “suppose to have both knees done at some point..blah blah blah. Chronic bursitis tendinitis and muscle spasms. Programs has seemed to help currently pressing 195 3x5 squatting 380 3x5 deadlifting 380 1x5 at 260 fairly lean. The question is should I program like an older trainee or continue LP as prescribed. I have read both books and reference them daily to try to pick up on things I’ve overlooked. Any thoughts are appreciated.
How are your testosterone levels?
I haven’t had them checked, I have no symptoms of low testosterone
You are a young man in poor health, with significant surgical issues you are trying to recover from. Get it checked. You may be surprised at the relationship between physical trauma and test levels. Other than that, just train using the program to the best of your ability.
Will do. Thanks