Have you read the book?
After getting ss a month ago my squat has increased from 315x1 to 385x5x3 but my knees have started hurting. I backed the weight down to 320 but the knees still feel funny and I can hear them crack and pop when squating down until i'm warmed up. Is this normal? The pain is worse hours after i've squated.I work on my feet 10 hours a day and don't want to hurt my knees since it would hinder my job.
I lift in a small town gym where i'm the only one who uses the free weights so I have no one to ask for advice.
Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
Have you read the book?
315x1 to 385x5x3 in one month? My guess is that you're depth sucks. The knee pain is probably caused by knee sheer from not squating deep enough to get a full hamstring stretch. Check your depth.
Yeah, that and NOT WARMING UP.