Possibly an option for the Starr Rehab Method for a particular lift, which also is able to help not go too heavy on the other lifts.
Started to use the app and thought I'd throw in a few suggestions. These are fairly minor - the app is very usable.
- Setting bodyweight should be done in settings, like your birthdate, not in a workout. Took me forever to find that button, and it really doesn't make sense there - your weight doesn't change during a workout.
- Forum integration navigation is non-intuitive. Hitting back sends you back to the app, instead of the last forum page you browsed to.
- More videos! Maybe integrate/search all the videos on Videos | Starting Strength
- Record my set function for SSOC. Hit a button, start recording video, without leaving app. If you have extra development time, maybe even trim and submit it to your SSOC.
Possibly an option for the Starr Rehab Method for a particular lift, which also is able to help not go too heavy on the other lifts.
re bodyweight - people do want the ability to set it every workout though as most people's bodyweight will fluctuate over time and its an important metric to know.
forum issue - agreed, its on our list to do.
videos - good idea.
re SSOC - unfortunately we're not tied into their eco system. they use fitbot and we are a native app.
Thanks for the feedback Adam!
The ability to add accessory exercises to workout a and b.
Eg Rows, Curls, tricep extensions, calf raises.
When accessing the SS forum from within the app it would be nice to have a back button like on a browser. Not sure if this was already requested.
Looking for an automatic timer between warmup and work sets.
Possibility of implementing the programming option of "light days" and "reset days".
Right now I just lower the weight manually, then increase it again manually the next time, but if I record the correct 5 x 2 it shows a fail.
Would be awesome if the app would do the reset math and light day math for me.