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Thread: Mrp's ss log

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default 1/22/10

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    WU: 45x5x2; 135x5; 185x3; 225x2
    WS: 285x5x3

    WU: 45x5x2; 65x5; 75x3; 95x2
    WS: 135x5x2; 135x3+1 push press

    WU: 135x5; 185x5; 225x3; 275x2

    My back was tight starting and throughout my whole squat set and most of the press. I'm so freaking bummed I can't call my press my initial goal. 2 freaking reps away from my goal. Since I've been having problems with deads I figured I'd at least keep the motor pathways active to see how I can hit it next week.

    This will be day 3 of GOMAD. So I don't know how long I need to wait until that starts helping. My #1 setback has been breakfasts. I haven't been getting up early enough for bacon and eggs, so I just end up getting a bagel and coffee at work, or a bowl of cereal and coffee. Going forward sleep is going to be a better priority. I'll have the bedtime of a 5 year old (or 75 year old) and wake up early enough for a freakin man sized breakfast.

    I'm going to stop messing around and skipping power cleans too. That has to be hurting my progress on deadlifts. Monday will be first power clean day. I don't know if I should do my plan of PP novice by still pulling every workout since my deadlifts have been suffering. Next week on my A day I'm going to do another warm up only and see how I feel.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default 1/26/10

    WU: 45x5x2; 135x5; 225x3; 255x2
    WS: 290x5x3

    Bench Press
    WU: 45x5x2; 95x5; 135x3; 165x2
    WS: 200x5x3

    GOMAD seems to be helping me pretty good. Today was the first day of me changing my diet around a bit. I think though that no matter what I'm going to stick with GOMAD.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default 2/1/10

    WU: 45x5x2; 135x5; 185x3; 225x2
    WS: 295x5x3

    WU: 45x5x2; 65x5; 75x3; 95x2
    WS: 135x5x3 PR

    WU: 135x5; 185x5; 225x3; 275x1
    WS: 300X3

    Back was rounding very bad the last 2 reps of deads. Decided to stop instead of going forward with bad form. I'm going to re-set these on Friday. Not sure by how much though. Need to nail the form down.
    Last edited by MRP; 02-01-2010 at 10:09 PM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Diet

    Ok I have to admit when the scale read 270 I got scared. So I've dropped GOMAD and am sticking with a pretty strict low carb diet right now. All I'm doing is using fitday to plan meals. Going for 12 cals/lb body weight and 1g protein per lb bodyweight. So a lot of meat and a lot of eggs. I'll keep posted on how this is going.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default 2/3/10

    WU: 45x5x2; 135x5; 225x3; 275x2
    WS: 300x5x3

    Bench Press
    WU: 45x5x2; 95x5; 135x3; 185x2
    WS: 205x5x3

    Last 2 reps on squat felt a bit high. Not sure how bad though as I don't video or have a training partner.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Injury

    Been out of commission for a while. Tripped over the forklift at work and caught myself with my right arm. Ended up fracturing my rt radial head and a pretty bad wrist/forearm strain. So I'm still nursing that. I would lift through the strain, but I have another follow up with the fracture in a week. So for now I've been doing conditioning work and focusing on my diet so that when I get back into lifting I'll have fixed some of the issues I was dealing with before I got hurt. So here's to a good report next week saying I can lift again.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Damn, that sucks. You were making good progress too. Good luck healing.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Thanks Sami.....I'm still debating on whether or not to go back into a strict SS cycle or go into the CFWF, or WFAC GPP Program. I'm easily ove 30% bodyfat. I like being strong, but I also don't want to be this fat. Now I don't want to cut or be "ripped", but I do want to be healthy. In the early stages of sleep apnea, hard time running, stairs suck etc. Anyways, I have a few weeks to totally decide which route to take.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I'd go pretty serious on dieting down now whilst you can't lift heavy anyway. But then you'll likely lose a lot of muscle if you can't do the heavy compound lifts. Hmmm, dunno actually.

    I suppose you can lose some weight now, since you're getting weaker anyway by not lifting heavy, you might as well make things easier by being lighter. Then you can build back up again when you can. With muscle memory, you should be able to get stronger faster and with less fat gain, hopefully.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Adelaide, Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    If you're going to be out of commission a week or more and if you have access to some of the usual machines - leg press, leg curls, some cable stuff - you should be able to do the RFL diet. I just lost a little under 3kg in three days before I had to come off it, and visually most of this was fat. I have an unusual metabolism though.

    Hope you're back in action soon.

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