So 2010 has been a bad year so far (it is May 20th). It started out great with new PR's in everything, then I blew out my knee, shoulder and rib in a 6-week span and threw off my entire training regimine.

This week I start fresh. My injuries still worry me, but I'm going to try to train around them.

First two workouts will be SS "first workout" protocol. Start with the empty bar for a set of 5 and go up at reasonably large incriments doing 5's until the bar slows down, then do 2 additional sets of 5 to complete that day's 3x5.

Squat - knee pain. Major failure. Aweful way to start out. I worked up to 165 and I could not complete 5 because my knee was fucked.
Press - Worked up to 85lbs and the bar slowed, so I did 3x5 at 85.
PC - Fail... my hand was ripped apart before coming to the gym and pc's were not hand-frieendly. I will have to work this weight up to starting point on Friday.
Review: This was a fucking horrible workout. I hate my life.

Squat - did squats first, knee was fucked. Came back to squats after DL and Bench and was able to work up to 185 before the bar slowed, completed 3x5 at 185.
Deadlift - worked out of order because of my initial squat failure. Progressed up to 245lb before the bar slowed, so did 1x5@245. I suspect the bar would not be slow here if i didn't just do 5's at about 6-7 weights leading up to this. Oh well, it is a good starting point.
Bench - small incriments because my shoulder is kinda fucked. Managed to get up to 95lbs before shoulder pain slowed the bar, but I worked through it for 3x5. Again, i think i could have gone higher with fewer sets leading up, but conservative is a good way to be with injuries.

Eating is going well. I'm not going to be a calorie-nazi. I know how to gain weight. I'd rather have a glass of milk than a chocolate bar, any day, so milk is no biggie for me.

This log is a "Fresh Start" because I was doing some pretty effective training from last September up to late January of this year before hurting myself. Previous work weights:
Squat 225
Press 105
PC 145
Bench 155
Deadlift 275

I should be able to reach most of these weights in a few weeks. Bench won't go that high very fast because 155 was with "powerlifting" style (high arch, elbows in) and I'm now doing things how Rip explains. I SUCK at bench. Always have. Even when I did a LOT of benching in highschool I sucked at it.

I'm turning 27 in June. I am 5'11" and I weigh approx 185 at approx 12-14%bf.
Last year at this time I weighed 148 at approx 6%bf, this is my natural condition with no training or dieting.

Nothing to discuss so far, just letting you all know that I'm back on the wagon. I think that I may make the final dash to 200lbs over the course of the next couple months. I'm not trying to do The Program (maximum weight and strength gain in minimum time), I'm just trying to keep with the prescribed exercises and frequency and gain weight over time.

My goals are:
200lb bench single
300lb squat single
400lb dead single
Completed before Jan1,2011

Edit - hell, i might as well add 150lb press single as a goal. I've done 125 on my knees before... should work