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Thread: Jalapen0's SS Journal

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    Jalapen0 Guest

    Default Jalapen0's TM Journal (was SS)

    I've now switched to Texas method, as of page 11.

    Hey all,

    First post. I've been reading the forums for a while and started SS about 5 weeks ago. After 3 weeks of SS, I got my balls snipped. (A vasectomy for the medical types) No working out for a week and a half. So I've dropped the weight 10%. Anyways, that's getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.

    I started working out in January 2010. I was doing my own thing. I've learned alot along the way but haven't really gained or lost anything. I'm stronger, no doubt but no real mass gains and no real fat loss either. I did learn alot of new exercises, mainly deadlift, RDL, and rows. I've only missed maybe 10 workouts the entire year. I then decided things weren't really working so I decided to give SS a try. Wow, what a difference squats 3x a week makes. In 3 weeks, I started to see my quads and my shoulders pop a bit. I think this is gonna work. However, I guess I was a pussy because I was doing rows instead of Power cleans. That's going to change starting now. Here are my stats and my workout from 8/30/10.

    Age: 35
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 217
    BF: No idea really. I always thought 20% so it's probably more like 25%

    Monday's workout (B)
    Squats: 3x5x205
    Dips:3x5x(-60 assisted)

    Workout notes:
    This was the best workout I've had since I can remember. I blasted the reps. Perhaps it's a bit light but my balls still hurt some so I was being careful. I also got some cheap skater shoes with rubber soles and was using them for the first time. What a huge difference over my squishy running shoes.

    Well, I'm over weight a bit. My goal is to gain weight so I can lose weight easier later. I'm not going to count calories though. I eat well, including lots of meat, eggs, oatmeal, and 1% milk. I'm drinking about a third of a gallon a day. I'm not scared of eating double cheeseburgers either.

    Wednesday's workout (A) will look like this
    Squats: 3x5x215
    Bench: 3x5x145
    PC: No idea. I'm going to learn it and see how it goes
    Chins: 3x5x(-65 assisted)

    Squats: +10 a workout, until I miss.
    Press: +5
    Deadlift: +15. I'll admit that I was being a pussy previously and only adding 5 a workout because the weight felt so heavy. I've come to the realization that DL's always feel heavy. My squats were catching up too fast to my DL which I think is a problem.
    Bench: I might try +10 a couple workouts then go +5. We'll see how bar speed is tomorrow.
    PC: I imagine +5.
    Dips: -5 on the assistance machine.
    Chins: -5 on the assistance machine.
    *I have a pair of 1.25lb chains that I bought at home depot for microloading.

    Squats: 315, long term. Best is 5x225
    Press: 135, short term. Best is 5x100
    Deadlift: 405, long term. 315, short term. Best is 5x295
    Bench: 225, long term. Best is 5x160
    PC: To figure out how to do it.
    Dips: Stop using the machine.
    Chins: Stop using the machine.

    Alright, let's see how this goes.......
    Last edited by Jalapen0; 03-28-2011 at 04:29 PM. Reason: Rename thread to TM Journal

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