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Thread: AK's Starting Strength Log

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Northampton, MA


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    Squat 220--3x5
    Press 92.5--3x5
    Deadlift 245--1x5
    Power Cleans up to 95lb to warm up for deadlift--singles and doubles to work on form

    Difficult workout. We're night weaning our youngest child, and I pitched in with some help, taking the second part of the night so my wife could get some sleep. So my sleep wasn't what it usually is which may have made thrown me off a little. Didn't gain any weight since last Wednesday, which is strange considering Thanksgiving and I'm still on GOMAD. Deadlift form was much better. I wasn't setting up in a way to utilize my quads in the first part of the pull previously, and was also setting the bar down way too slowly and wearing myself out.

    Today marks exactly two months and two days on the program. My starting weights were very conservative and maybe I could have started a little higher, but here's the two month report:

    Squat 95 to 220
    Bench Press 85 to 150
    Press 55 to 92.5
    Deadlift 95 to 245
    Power Clean 55 to 95
    Bodyweight 160 to 188

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Northampton, MA



    Squat 225--3x5
    Bench Press 152.5--3x5
    Power Clean 95--3x5
    Back Extensions Bodyweight--3x10
    Barbell Curls 50 1x15 52.5 1x12

    I haven't been taking video of my squats the last few workouts and I've lost about an inch of depth. I think I'm going to repeat 225 on Friday and fix the depth. Spent a lot of time on the power clean cleaning up technique. I'm getting it much better but I still have a ways to go. Batteries in my camera died before I could take vid of the power clean. Did a lot of clean high pulls for practice.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Northampton, MA



    Squat 225-- 3x5
    Press 95--3x5
    Deadlift 255--1x5
    Pull Ups 7,6,5

    I repeated the squat weight because my depth wasn't right on Wednesday. Depth looked good today. Squats weren't easy at all. Gotta work on getting out of the hole. I had some problems with my deadlift the last time I posted to the technique section and I've been working on them. I'll post video when it loads but they feel much better and I've added 10 lbs. each workout since I had a problem at 235. I've been reading and practicing my power clean technique a lot and they now feel much, much better. Today was the first day that I felt like the third pull and rack were fairly smooth. I did pc's up to my current workset weight to warm ups for deads. I did three at that weight. They went up easy but I did a little split clean action on the second rep. I'll post vids of that as well when the upload to vimeo. I'll have a regular power clean day on Monday so I'll have a lot more reps to analyze.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Northampton, MA


    starting strength coach development program

    Squat 230--3x5
    Bench 155--3x5
    Power Clean 100--3x3
    Back Extensions +10--3x10
    Barbell Curl 55--12,11

    Squats were tough. Bench was tough and I really had to grind out my last rep of the last set. The power cleans I did went okay but I still have to work on them. I started a fourth set of pc's but my legs were thouroughly gassed so I moved on the back extensions. Workout took forever.

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