starting strength gym
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Thread: Second Attempt at SS - Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Week 10:


    Squat: 80kg x5x3
    Bench: 54kg x5x3
    P.Clean: 46kg x3x3

    The squats were a bit high, but I'm not falling forward anymore. Took a stance that was too wide.

    Back to 2kg increments for the bench. Hope to keep them up for the next few sets.

    I am still having the same problems on the power clean.


    Squat: 82kg x5x3
    Press: 44kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 120kg x5x1

    Back to my "barely hitting depth" squats. At least it is better than the previous workout and I am keeping in balance.

    I guess I am at a point where every last press rep from now on will be a bit of a grind.

    The deadlift was alright for the first three reps. Lowered my hips a bit in the last two reps.


    Squat: 84kg x5x3
    Bench: 56kg x5x3
    P.Clean: 48kg x3x3

    These squats weren't the best, but they are at least at the same depth as previous week.

    Failed the last rep of the bench, but it was because I moved the bar past the focal point. So I tried again and completed the last set.

    I think these were the best power cleans so far. My feet are getting closer to a squat stance after jumping

    Weekend Weight: 107.4kg

    Lost weight, waist size and brought blood glucose back into the normal range. I thought I was going to gain weight.

    Recovered a few old t-shirts which did not fit well since 2016.

    I bumped up my average daily protein intake to 240g per day. I was at 200g before.

    I will stop commenting on every lift for every workout. Only commenting if something worth mentioning happens.
    Last edited by lspr_93; 10-19-2024 at 04:58 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Bingley View Post
    gotcha. flexibility is a glorious thing, enjoy it lol

    my guess is that being able to hold it in such a narrow fashion is what is letting the bar be a little squirrelly; think of it like your foot stance: with your feet close together you are easier to tip over, while a wider stance is more stable. But do what works for you and listen to your coach. keep it up.
    I used to take a wider grip. Decided to take a bit wider grip in the last workout. Did not work. I will just accept it for what it is for the time being and focus on the bigger issues.

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