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Thread: You Should be 300 pounds.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by WCSteppe View Post
    What do your warm-up weights and sets look like going into your working weight for the squats, and how much time do you take between working weight sets? I haven't seen any posts related to that, and if you are missing the first working set of 5, it is potentially due to that workouts programming and rest. Obviously sleep and previous day's recovery also impacts that, but we can't rule out rest time and warm-ups.

    My squat work takes 45 to 60 minutes currently, because I need to rest 8 to 10 minutes between working sets and the warmup takes 20 to 30 minutes.

    Monday's squat work, for example, was:
    Warm-ups: 45*5, 45*5, 135*5, 225*3, 315*1, 365*1, with a 3 to 5 minutes rest before getting into the working sets
    Working: 440*5, 440*5, 440*5, with 10 minutes rests between sets.

    Also, why did you squat 405 for 5x5 on Monday, instead of 5x3?

    My understanding of GOMAD is that you use it to gain the initial 40-50 pounds to help with NLP, but then you cut back and add new sources of protein, calories, etc. I have not found a way to get past 275 pounds in body weight either, but I'm hoping to work with someone to do that, and I certainly won't be doing GOMAD; it's very unpleasant.
    My warm up sets are usually a ladder up to the work weight very similar to what you posted, however, depending on how they feel and how they look I may repeat some of the lighter weights, especially if I haven't done anything that day. Usually it takes about half an hour. I am resting 10 to 12 minutes between sets.

    On the day that I missed my first set of 5 I am confident that it was a diet and sleep issue. The feeling is hard to describe, but on the 4rth rep it felt like the squat was banded to the floor, and on video it was a solid 8 second grind to the top. The feeling was what it felt like before I tried gomad. I don't think gomad is a long term solution, but I have gained 90 lbs since June without gomad and eating relentlessly was getting hard to chew. When I started gomad I was at about 260 and I was losing weight just due to fatuge from eating, the first days that I did it I recovered from a heavy 3x5 in about 72 hours which I hadn't done since early nlp, and it continued to do do until I hit 280. Then the food again became harder to eat, and i was drinking lots of milk but, struggling to eat enough.

    I switched to 405 5x5 on Monday to see if it would effect my appetite. It's a brutal set, and everything that I've read on breaking through weight plateaus said to increase weight or volume and eat accordingly. Since I've hit a bit of a wall I'll back off of 10 lb jumps per week for a bit and swap to a volume monday and heavy friday for a 5 lb jump a week so that I continue to add weight ton the bar. While I get food sorted out.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    Wed 2 12 25
    Squat 275 2x5
    Press 190 3x5
    Chins 3x5
    Practicing power cleaning my neck with a bar 5x3
    Last edited by Expendabro; 02-12-2025 at 09:55 PM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    So I don't know how long you have been stuck at 415ish for 3x5, but it doesn't look like you spent a lot of time trying to increase by 5 pounds a week only. So maybe you should try this:
    Monday: squat 80% of Friday heavy lift for 3x5
    Wednesday: 60% (or nothing) of Friday heavy lift. Light squats for late novice and intermediate training is just to maintain form.
    Friday: heavy squat for 3x5

    You want to stretch out increasing your 3x5 as long as possible, and doing it once a week should help. Then, as the last two sets on Friday start becoming limits, you shift those to match the Monday weight, but you do them after your heavy set of 5 on Friday. So it would be 1*5 heavy, 2*5 at 80%.

    Then, that starts getting hard so you shift the 2x5 to Monday and end up in the Texas method.

    It's all about gradual transitions and minimizing the change in stress and volume for programming.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    That sounds great, and I will probably slide back into something like that In a couple weeks.
    I'm trying to break 280 body weight and a 5x5 makes me way hungrier that a 3x5. I want to see what it will do to my body weight and my recovery.
    If my body weight doesn't increase with my lifts then I will continue to run up against a recovery wall.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    Friday 2 14 25

    Squat 465 1x5
    Bench 267.5 3x5
    Dl 500 1x3

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    starting strength coach development program
    Monday 2 17 25

    Really banged up my knee shoveling snow. Had to bail on squats for today.

    Bench 270 3x5
    Press 195 3x5
    Messed around with pin squats and high rack pulls bit didnt get much over 225.

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