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Thread: My squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default My squat

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025

    Do I lean forward too much?

    Every time I squat I'm told that I lean forward too much and it's bugging the hell out of me. I don't know whether it's people just believing you need to squat with your back vertical or whether my anthropometry is a bit odd or what.

    If I'm balanced and hitting depth that's the important bit isn't it?

    Also, I am aware of the hips rising before the chest - Anyone have any helpful cues for this?

    Cheers, Dave

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    When people tell you that you lean forward too much, they're right, and they are talking about your hips rising before your chest. Your bottom position would be fine if you could lift the bar straight up without turning it into a GM. This has nothing to do with your anthropometry, it's basically in your head, your brain has to tell your body how to do it correctly. 'Chest up' may be helpful when you start coming up from the bottom. You could try reaching the bottom in a little more upright position. Take some weight off the bar and fix the problem at a lighter weight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeC1 View Post
    When people tell you that you lean forward too much, they're right, and they are talking about your hips rising before your chest. Your bottom position would be fine if you could lift the bar straight up without turning it into a GM. This has nothing to do with your anthropometry, it's basically in your head, your brain has to tell your body how to do it correctly. 'Chest up' may be helpful when you start coming up from the bottom. You could try reaching the bottom in a little more upright position. Take some weight off the bar and fix the problem at a lighter weight.
    I was already aware that I'm GMing the weight up...

    What I was asking about is the bottom position - And this is when I've been told I'm leaning forward too much which is what I was refering to about anthropometry. I'm aware that the hips leading before the chest is to do with how my brain is working.

    How am I ment to keep my torso more vertical without falling on my arse?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Well, it might be tricky. It won't have to be more than an inch or two different. If you could arch you back more (both lumbar and thoracic), that would go a long way towards fixing these issues.

    Also, the camera angle isn't good to see this, but it's likely that the bar is slightly ahead of your midfoot at the bottom.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Hmm, watching it again, it looks like the load is even when I'm at the bottom but when I start to drive up there is a little movement in the heels which I guess is when the bar drifts forward?

    But the position of my torso at the bottom is not as significant as the horrendous good morning, right?

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