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Thread: a strong grip & press vs. neck posture

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Question a strong grip & press vs. neck posture

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    is there an explanation for why grip training is causing me horrendous neck tension/posture?

    each time i revisit my captains of crush #2 it causes my scalenes to spasm for the next week or so. this tension & slow spasm takes the curve out of my cervical spine (a bit discomfort but no real pain).

    this has happened twice before and takes months to calm down & rehabilitate. it also causes some pain in my right arm ~ carpal.

    is this a direct by-product of double-cross syndrome? grip training is most often the trigger but sometimes overhead press or overhead squat makes for same symptoms.

    100% of my usual BB/KB training process is focused on safe/tight midline & neutral/natural neck posture. am not sure how to eliminate this nasty side-effect and would appreciate the thoughts of others'. have a hunch that hours @ the desk/cpu are adding up.

    squat: 405x1, 365x5
    press: 135x3
    deadlift: 395x3

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    SF, CA


    I have tight scalenes and had them from typing and desk time before getting into lifting. Went part and parcel w/ somewhat knotty traps too. Chair massage (over weeks ) helped.

    Versions of this stretch http://calliesmassageblog.blogspot.c...e-stretch.html done at a couple of angles of lean and rotation really hit some tight areas for me that released over time. This is what the massage therapist was doing among other things (it was participatory in that she would hold down on them and i'd pull on my head or vice versa). After i stopped going they slowly tightened up again. I can self administer it but i don't have the attention span since it doesn't cause me any active disfunction/pain that i'm aware of.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    will give try. thanks
    hard to keep range of motion as it was in my 20s

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