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Thread: Deadlift 285 x 3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Deadlift 285 x 3

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I did reps one and two without a belt and i missed three, i then remembered last week i used a belt on 280 which went up no problem. So i put my belt on and rewrapped my straps, how is my DL tech? the main thing i see is keeping my chest up in the beginning.

    My warm up is done using only chalk and hook grip

    • 135 x 5
    • 135 x 5
    • 185 x 5
    • 225 x 3
    • 285 straps and chalk x 3

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    San Francisco


    Dude PUT A SHIRT ON. Jesus.

    And what the hell is that sound you're making? You sound like a wookie.

    Anyway ...

    Do you have exceptionally small hands? If not, you shouldn't be using straps, especially at 285.

    The bar is front of your midfoot. See how the bar doesn't go straight up?

    You're back on your heels. Shoulders seen forward of bar. Notice your arms: they're basically straight at the start. Your hips are too low because of this. Get your weight on your whole foot. Pull UP, not back.

    Squeeze your chest up much harder.

    Don't walk around with the bar like that. It's just not a good idea at heavy weights, which this isn't, but eventually it will be.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    i do have small hand :/ i met with a coach on the board earlier and i'm already doing grip training to bring up my hand from an injury. I also see what you mean now by the bar being away from my body, i'll be sure to start closer to it and keep the weight on my entire foot, not just my heel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    San Francisco


    As Rip said somewhere, with small hands you're not going to be a competitive powerlifter anyway, so straps aren't evil. But your grip will get stronger, so pull without straps as often as you can - on your warmup sets, etc. Do you use chalk? Mixed grip? Hook grip? Chalk is a must, and experimenting with alternative grips may help.

    Chinning is also good for your grip.

    Do another set of five, heavier, and post it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Will do tomorrow, I use chalk and no straps on my warm up sets. The last three sessions I've been using hook grip on my warm ups, with the idea ill eventually be comfortable to do it on a work set. Hook grip feels more secure than mixed, but ill keep notes on how each grip feels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    This is the heavier set 285x5, i notice the bar being away from my body more and tried to start with the bar more over my foot. Getting my chest up is hard but something that i'll work on. The last one was actually 280, not 85.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    San Francisco


    Are you meditating before starting the set? Dig it.

    These are a bit better, but ...

    1. You're now starting the movement with hip extension only, which forces you to pull the bar around your knees, since they haven't extended yet. It's particularly pronounced on the fourth rep. Notice how your back angle changes right off the floor. Think of the beginning of the pull as pushing your feet through the floor rather than pulling it up. Your back angle shouldn't change for the first few inches off the floor.
    2. Yeah, you've got to set your back harder. Really squeeze your chest up before you start the rep. Every rep.
    3. Your eye gaze gets worse throughout the set. Pick a spot in front of you and stare at it. As the set progresses, you start craning your neck back. Not ideal.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I'll be sure to keep in mind about pushing through my legs. Now i might have to reread SS on this but do you mean extend my thoracic spine, pull my shoulder blades back or squeeze my chest/lat area like you do for a press? I'll find a point i can focus on, i may switch around lifting because then i have more floor to look at instead of a wall.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    San Francisco


    starting strength coach development program
    Extend your thoracic spine. Chest up is the cue, but it's your erectors (and some other things) that do that. Try to point your nipples directly at the wall in front of you.

    Don't pull your shoulders back or your shoulder blades together because a heavy deadlift will un-pull them anyway and it's a recipe for a strain/tear/other badness. IIRC Feigenbaum strained a rhomboid this way.

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