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Thread: Squat form check, 180lbs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Tallinn, Estonia

    Default Squat form check, 180lbs

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Squats, 180lbs, 8 March, sets 2 & 3 - YouTube

    I have two sets of 5 in this video. Sorry if the video is a bit too dark, the black short and shirt don't help either I guess.

    On the second set I placed a pen on the floor (you can see me pick it up) to keep my eyes focused on. The first set looked like I was looking up too much.

    I suspect that my back is too arched and I'm not using the bounce out of the bottom?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Yellow Springs, OH


    Your back is too vertical. From the top, knees forward and out, hips back and chest pointed to the floor. Your knees should stop traveling forward 1/3 to 1/2 way down and then it's just sitting back and down.

    Looks like you're going forward onto your toes at the bottom, so sit back more and keep the bar over the midfoot. Think of the Master Cue - vertical bar path.

    Make sure you keep shoving your knees out.

    Also, you might want to think about getting some squat shoes. They would help a great deal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Thanks, Mia.

    Would you agree with the following: Instead of squatting down to pick something up, I have to squat down like I was about to sit on the toilet?

    I have yet found a place in Estonia where they sell powerlifting shoes. Might need to order from Amazon, but not sure about the size tho.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    Quote Originally Posted by Tuuling View Post
    Thanks, Mia.

    Would you agree with the following: Instead of squatting down to pick something up, I have to squat down like I was about to sit on the toilet?

    I have yet found a place in Estonia where they sell powerlifting shoes. Might need to order from Amazon, but not sure about the size though.
    You won't find one, the same as you won't find one in the United States. Yes, Amazon is your friend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Yellow Springs, OH


    Quote Originally Posted by Tuuling View Post
    Would you agree with the following: Instead of squatting down to pick something up, I have to squat down like I was about to sit on the toilet?
    Instead, think about pointing your chest at the floor by shoving your hips back and at the same time, get your knees forward and hold them there.

    Big breath, brace your abs/erectors hard, squeeze everything tight, and point your chest at the floor as you start the squat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Made a new video today. Added 2.5kg and tried to follow your instructions. Also wore a white shirt and got better lightning this time, hope it helps.

    Last warmup and all 3 work sets in one video. Links with timestamp to each.

    1. set
    2. set
    3. set

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Yellow Springs, OH


    Much better back angle.

    It looks like you still might have a bar path that drifts forward. Do you feel like your weight is moving onto the balls of your feet during the rep?

    If so, I think you might be setting the back angle by bending over. Instead, set your back angle by shoving your hips BACK. This will keep the bar over the midfoot and should help to stop your knees moving forward at the bottom and stop you from shifting onto your toes.

    Keep shoving those knees out, they're drifting in a bit on some of the reps.

    Lastly, drive your hips all the way to the top.

    (That is a very colorful gym that you have. I like it.)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Thanks for the comments!

    I have felt the weight move forward before, almost to the point of tiping over, but not this time.

    I was focusing on getting my chest lower. I will focus on shoving my hips back the next time.

    I feel like I can't add any weight tho when fixing my form, it makes concentrating so much harder. On the second set I even lost count of the reps, was not sure I did 5 reps until I watched it from my phone. Do you thinks it's a good idea, or should I keep adding weight as usual?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Yellow Springs, OH


    There's nothing bad enough here that needs a reset, so you can certainly keep adding weight as you work on your form. You'll be amazed at how your powers of concentration will increase along with your strength gains. (You're also not the first person to lose count in a set of 5 :-)).

    You could repeat this weight the next workout and concentrate on sitting back and keeping your weight/the bar balanced over the midfoot/driving the hips. After that, keeping adding weight and keep getting stronger.

    Good luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Tallinn, Estonia


    starting strength coach development program
    So I did another try with the same weight. The video is here Squats, 187lbs, 13. March warmup and workssets - YouTube . I focused on pushing my hips back, almost to the point where my toes came off the floor on some reps. To be honest, I can't see much difference.

    I did however end up with some hip pain. It is most acute when I have my knees close to my chest (hips in flexion?) and I then try to push my legs and knees apart (hip adduction or external rotation not sure about the correct term). I want to say I feel impingement, but again I'm not sure if that is the correct term.

    I have looked through the forum and the most common answer to similar problems has been "don't let you knees travel forward", "knees more apart" or just "fix your form". I tried squatting at home without a bar and pushed my knees as far apart as possible and it did feel better. So I can assume that when I squat and don't push my knees far enough apart I impinge something at the bottom?

    Is there something I could do to fix this in some other way? Stretching of some sort or some assistance exercises? It becomes really hard to focus on good form when trying to do my 5RM. Should I squat with less weight and work on my form until it becomes more automatic?


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