This is much improved.
I’ve been working on cueing a shift to the left, hoping this footage shows some progress. (On vacation this week so had to make due on the footage in a gym down here where I’m staying)
Does this look like progress? I read Rip’s article on the leg length discrepancy. Now I’m wondering 1.) what my first steps should be in getting the LLD checked/addressed. (If any) A lifter friend has recommended a chiropractor near where I live that works with powerlifters and am considering calling them to get checked out 2.) is the cue to shift left working? Should I continue to add weight and keep progressing before I can get shoes/shims?
Thanks very much.
Hip Shift 04/2023 205-215-225 - YouTube
This is much improved.
Back up to 255 today, and got 250 for 3 sets of 5 on my last lift. Having a hard time concentrating on cueing the hip to the left, especially on my last reps. Or am just not strong enough to force my hips to center once I reached 250.
Worth mentioning that I have totally flat/pronating feet. Saving for squat shoes. Would arch supports help? This is frustrating but I’m committed to figuring it out.
Everything else seems to be going well. Eating a ton, tracking all nutrition. Upping my calories this week. Gaining weight, other numbers increasing fairly well. Do I need to drop the weight to 240 til I can get 3 clean looking sets of 5 and then add weight?