Tuna, if you're not conscious of your lower back during the pull, how can you possibly be conscious of your breathing?
Maybe "being conscious of" wasn't quite putting it right. What I meant to say was that so far I didn't pay special attention to what my lower back was doing once the weight left the floor, while breathing correctly is something I'm practicing since you brought it up on my first formcheck.
It's a good thing there's no requirement for you to remember what happened as you conveniently managed to film it.
Unless those people were freakishly lining up their own breathing with the movement of your mouth during the lift I'd say you were not doing what you think you were... Which is fine. My mother has problems with random breathing out too. Which is why you should read the lift silently article on here.
I'm not an SSC. I'm not even strong, but I do believe that losing your breath during the lift is not going to help you.
I'm glad you get the point now and I won't labour it anymore, but in the future I don't think you should try to disagree with someone about something that you don't actually remember, especially when we're only trying to help you.