Hi All,

Would like to get a form check on my squat.

I have been lifting SS for about 8 months now and am on the Advanced Novice program in the app and still making progress. I never had received any technique coaching until two weeks ago when I managed to get an hour of coaching in at Starting Strength Orlando with Pete Troupos. That session was mostly focused on the squat as I've never been happy with my technique. He gave me some great pointers and this video is after about 6 sessions of practice on those pointers at home. After the visit to SS Orlando I did a return from extended vacation deload to facilitate working on my technique as well as work back up from my 9 days away from home for work training hiatus (as per the gray book). The set videoed below is back up to my pre-work trip work set weight.

Note, I have never been happy with my squat technique. I've watched every video I can find of Rip or another SS coach teaching the squat and tried to emulate the tips and techniques. Pete had me adjust my stance width in, a couple inches, and adjust my gaze up slightly (in this video my head may be down too much). He also had me focus on midfoot balance as I tend to get on my heals (at least one rep below I get on my heals but I adjust for the next rep). Also, Pete noted that I have a longer torso so I may be slightly less horizontal than some and he had me slightly adjust my back angle. Of course, this doesn't mean that I made all these adjustments correctly once I got home.

(I know I need a leather belt, I have one on order at the suggestion of Pete.)

Work Set 3, 5 reps, 270lbs
Body Weight 170
Height 5'7"

Set 3 - 270#