Have you been benching paused? That is probably going to take 10 pounds or so off your max. I think you might want to be more conservative with the bench....... something like 250/260/270.
Have you been benching paused? That is probably going to take 10 pounds or so off your max. I think you might want to be more conservative with the bench....... something like 250/260/270.
I know what you mean, Bobby. I pause a lot of my last reps on 5x5. I did everything paused today except for my work set, because it was a 5RM attempt...more on that shortly. I need to decide whether or not to pull the trigger on my Titan order today too, as it's getting late.
Anyone have anything negative to say about Titan before I do??
Glad to see I'm not the only eager one, Mike! :-)
45x20, 135x8, 185x5, 215x3, 235x2, 255x4
Not a close grip, not wide. About 22 inches between thumbs, a thumb's length from smooth part of bar. I'm wondering if this may be my optimal grip. I'm trying not to play around too much before the meet. I'm already trying to work out the foot thing as you can see. Wow, check out my right foot on the failed rep at 255, haha. I think 245x5 was on the schedule, but I wanted to get a PR. That didn't work out. I've been up against 255x5 a few times now. Oh well, the first rep felt really fast and easy. This would definitely be an easy opener.
15, 15, 13
+80x5, +80x8, +90x5, BWx24
Open with something you can triple. Get on the board and don't bomb out.
Do your second with something you know you can single.
Go for it on the third with close to or a new PR. Don't get too greedy though.
9 for 9 is pretty studly.
If you miss your opener you can try it again for your second and third. You only bomb out if you miss all 3 attempts in a lift.
After each attempt you must tell the scorer what your next attempt is. The weight on the bar is never decreased. It continues to increase until all lifters in the meet or your flight have completed their attempts on that lift.
If you miss and you want to repeat that weight, you will usually fall in behind the last lifter that will attempt it. If no one else is attempting that weight you must follow yourself. Depending on the rules of the fed/meet, you generally have 3-4 minutes from the time your name is called until you have to start the lift. If you don't, you are DQ'd.
If you can do a heavy triple with it, you can get it.